Top 10 mysterious books of of India


This is our India full of mysteries, who knows how many wonderful things and secrets it holds in its pride. Some of them are known from ancient books and scriptures, but some are so mysterious and amazing that it is not only difficult but impossible to catch even a single one. Friends, the description of these mysteries is recorded in our scriptures, Puranas and historical books.

Lal Kitab

Lal Kitab has more knowledge than Bhrigu Samhita. It is said that in very ancient times, there used to be a voice from the sky that if you do this then there will be happiness in life, if you do bad then punishment will be prepared for you. We have calculated everything for you. It is said that people used to memorize these Akashvani and used to recite it from generation to generation. Later, some people had written down the knowledge received through these mysterious Akashvanis. There were a total of 383 pages in this book. Friends, whether you believe it or not, but if you understand it after reading this book, then definitely your mind will not be the same as before.

Ravana Samhita

It is said that the Ravana Samhita written by Ravana contains all the information related to astrology, Ayurveda and Tantra which is considered infallible. This book is very ancient and in today’s time no one can prove its authenticity. Just as fake books are available in the name of Lal Kitab, similarly fake Ravana Samhita is also available in the name of Ravana Samhita. But it is also said that a text of Ravana Samhita has been preserved in Guru Naliya, a village in Deoria district in Devanagari script.


Ashtadhyay and Yoga Sutras

The first grammar book of the first language of the world, written by Parini, is Ashtadhyai, which dates back to 500 BC. There are total 8 chapters in this book, hence it is called Ashtadhyai. It is said that the knowledge you will get after understanding all these Yoga Sutras will not be available from any other grammar book in the world. Because this knowledge is pure. Mahamuni Katyayan has a detailed treatise on this book of Parini.

Betal Pachisi

We all are aware of the story of Betal Pachisi which is one of the popular stories of India. These stories of Betal Pachisi make us understand the judicial power of King Vikramaditya. In which Betal tells a story to King Vikramaditya every day and at the end asks the king such a question that the king has to answer it. Betal has made a condition with the king that if the king speaks, he will get angry with the king and hang himself on the tree again. But despite knowing that the king does not remain silent when the question comes up. This is considered to be India’s first ghost story. It is believed that the source of the story of Betal Pachisi is given to a book named Barkaha written by Gunadhya, the minister of King Satavahana.

Vimana Shastra

Vimana Shastra is a mysterious book which was written by Rishi Bhardwaj. The technology of making aircraft mentioned by him in his book has started becoming popular even in the modern era. Rishi Bhardwaj had written a huge book named Yantra Sarvasya. And some part of this book was published by Swami Brahma Muni in the name of Vimana Shastra. It is said that in this divine scripture, there is a description of the creation of various metals moving in higher and lower levels.

Parad Tantra

A 250 year old book named Parad Vigyan has been found in Nirmaan district of Himachal. There are many secrets hidden in this 1052 page book. Only National Manuscript Mission can tell about this, research is being done on this book. Parad Vigyan i.e. ancient book of Chemistry in which probably all the information of Ayurveda Tantra Astrology will be available.

Vigyan Bhairav Tantra

If you search, you will find thousands of books on Tantra Shastra, but the most proven and influential book is Vigyan Bhairav Tantra. Who wrote this book still remains a mystery. It is said that this book came into existence from the dialogue of Lord Shiva and Mother Parvati. In this book Bhairavi Tantra, questions are asked by Goddess Parvati and Lord Shankar answers them. In which many secrets are said regarding secret knowledge, after reading which you will be very surprised.

Samudrika Shastra

Mainly Samudrika Shastra is the study of the mouth and the entire body. This study is being followed since the Vedic period. This is such a mysterious scripture which reveals the entire character and future of man. This scripture was born in India around 5000 BC. In which sages like Parashar, Vyas, Bhardwaj, Bhrigu, Kashyap, Brihaspati, Katyayan etc. had discovered this knowledge. It is also said that in 423 BC, the Greek scholar NX Gorus used to teach this scripture. This scripture was also presented to Alexander the Great.

Rasaratnakar and Rasendra Mangal

Many hidden secrets about chemistry have been revealed in this book. In this, the distillation method of obtaining mercury from ore chest bar, details of metallurgy of silver and the method of obtaining many types of acids and alkalis from plants are explained. In this book, methods of extracting and purifying raw metals of silver, gold, tin and copper are also explained. The most mysterious thing in this is that it also describes the method of making gold.


Atharva Veda is one of the very mysterious books in which such knowledge has been described which you will not even believe after hearing it. It is said that if any conspirator has harmed you by seeing something or by any other means, then you can remember some Yaksha while being in a meditative state and get an idea as to what kind of evil is happening against you. Many of us have heard the name of Reiki Vidya, which we consider to be Japanese Vidya. But the cadre knowledge which Upanishad was known to Yogesh Gadiwan. This cart driver was Rak Rishi. Rak Rishi used to adopt the method of directly receiving the energy ascending from Virat.

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