What are the 16 Sanskar and their importance in Hindu religion?

In Sanatan Dharma, a total of 16 Sanskar are considered which come at every important stage of a person’s life. These rituals start from a person’s mother’s womb till his death. It is through these values that he has to move forward in his life and adapt himself to society. Sixteen Sanskars have an important place in a person’s life. Centuries ago, our sages, after deeply studying the life of a person, established these 16 sanskaras so that no kind of difficulty, etc. comes into his life. Therefore, today we will give you a brief introduction to the 16 rituals of the Hindu religion.

1. Garbhadhan Sanskar
Through the concept of conception, the Hindu religion gives the message that man-woman relationships should not be animalistic but only for procreation. By being mentally and physically healthy and conceiving when the mind is happy, the child becomes healthy and intelligent.
2. Punsavan Sanskar
After three months of conception, for the protection and development of the organism in the womb, the woman must follow the rules of her food and lifestyle. The purpose of this sanskar is to have a healthy and good child. This is possible only when conception is done based on specific dates and planets.
3. Seemantonayan Sanskar
Seemantonayan Sanskar is performed in the sixth or eighth month after conception. There are the highest chances of miscarriage or premature delivery in these months. There are methods to bring changes like a pregnant woman, the way the woman gets up, walks, sleeps, etc. Medical science also advises women to take special precautions during these months. This is necessary for the development of the fetus and a healthy child. The main objective of this ritual is to protect the fetus and mother. This ritual is performed to please the woman.
4. Jaatkarma Sanskar
It is performed after the birth of the child. In this, the child is given honey and ghee to lick. This accelerates the development of the child’s intelligence. After this, the mother starts breastfeeding the child. The scientific nature of this ritual is that the mother’s milk is the best food for the child.
5. Namkaran Sanskar
This ceremony has great importance. Keeping the birth constellation in mind, the child is named in an auspicious constellation. The auspiciousness of name and character has an impact on the child throughout his life. It develops the personality of the child.
6. Nishkraman Sanskar
In this Sanskar, the child is shown the light of the Sun and Moon. This ritual is performed in the fourth month of birth. From this day the child is brought in contact with the external environment. The baby is made aware of the surrounding environment.
7. Annaprashan Sanskar
After this Sanskar, other food items are started to be given to the child in addition to the mother’s milk. Medical science also says that after a certain time, a child cannot be nourished by milk alone. He also needs other substances. The purpose of this ritual is to develop the child physically and mentally through food items. This is its scientificity.
8. Chudakarma Sanskar
It is also known as Mundan Sanskar. For this, the first, third, and fifth years after the birth of the child are selected. Physical cleanliness and intellectual development are the objectives of this sanskar. This ritual is performed to free the child from contaminated germs during the time of the mother’s pregnancy and after birth. Cleanliness leads to faster physical, mental, and intellectual development. Science also believes this.
9. Vidyarambh Sanskar
The meaning of Vidyarambh is to introduce the child to the initial level of education. In ancient times, when there was a tradition of Gurukul, before sending the child to study Vedas, alphabets were taught at home. Earlier, his parents and teachers used to make him practice the shlokas, mythological stories, etc. orally so that he would not face any difficulty in the Gurukul. Our scripture is scholarly. Education or knowledge is the means of spiritual progress of man. Education is the first step towards science. This is what this culture tells us.
10. Karnabhed Sanskar
The basis of this Sanskar is scientific. Its basic objective is to protect the child from physical ailments. All the parts of this body given by nature are important. Ears are our doors of hearing. Ear piercing cures diseases and also increases hearing power.
11. Yajnopavit Sanskar
This sanskar is performed for the religious and spiritual progress of the child. In this, the sacred thread is worn. This ritual is related to cleanliness after a short or long period of doubt. By wrapping it in the ear, pressure is applied on the acupressure point, due to which short or long-term doubt gets resolved without any pain.
12. Vedarambh Sanskar
Through this Sanskar, an effort has been made that every person of this religion should have scientific knowledge of his religion. It is very useful for the all-round development of life.
13. Keshant Sanskar
The purpose of this sanskar is to remove the child from the educational field and connect him to the social field. This is the first stage of entry into Grihasthashram. This ritual serves the purpose of increasing the child’s self-confidence and making him aware of the problems in society and work.
14. Samavartan Sanskar
This Sanskar is performed before leaving the Gurukul. Today the Gurukul tradition has ended, so this ritual is no longer performed. With this title, he was considered entitled to enter the Sargavar Grihasthashram.
15. Vivah Sanskar
Marriage Sanskar is a way of giving a part of one’s generation to this world. The ritual of marriage at a mature age has been accepted since ancient times. To bind them in social bonds and not let them run away from their deeds, children are tied with an invisible string by performing marriage rituals.
16. Antyeshti Sanskar
When a person’s body is no longer capable of performing the tasks of this world and the enthusiasm of the mind also ends, then the soul of this body disappears. There is a provision for cremation of this mortal body made up of five elements so that the viruses and bacteria of the body are eliminated. Because as soon as the organism comes out of this body, there is a tremendous attack on the body by viruses and bacteria. Thus this is also a scientific culture.