Signs of Haunted House | Ghost in House

Haunted House
Today we are going to tell you through this article almost all the symptoms of spirit, jinn, and black magic, which often appear when there is a spirit or when someone is affected by black magic or evil spirits.
Many people consider ghosts and black magic to be superstitions. This is because the activities of ghosts and black magic, or rather, most of the activities, take place mostly in villages and small towns. This is the reason why people living in urban environments consider ghosts and black magic to be superstitions.

Negative and Positive Energy
It is said that if there is a God, then there is also a devil. Often, you must have felt that when you go to some temple or religious place, you feel positive energy, and similarly, you must have felt negative energy in some place as well. It happens. People have their own ideas about the existence or not of ghosts and black magic. But today we are going to tell you the signs and symptoms by which you can recognize the effects of black magic and the presence of ghosts.
Signs of ghosts in the house or nearby
If there is the presence of ghosts, jinn, or spirits around someone or in the house, then you get such signs, or rather, ghosts do such activities.
Light flickering
The first sign is that if suddenly, without any reason, the electricity in the house starts flickering again and again in a strange manner, then there is an invisible power present in that house.
Clock Stop
The second sign is that if the clock in your house stops after reaching a certain time for a few days and this is happening again and again, then understand that there is the presence of a spirit in your house.
Strange Noise
The third sign is that whenever you hear any kind of strange noise repeatedly in the house, such as the sound of someone speaking softly or scratching something or the sound of someone walking and anklets, then be alert. There is a presence of spirit in your home.
Bad Smell in Haunted House
The fourth sign is that if a strange odor or fragrance suddenly comes into the house every day and this is happening again and again, then it can be a sign of the presence of a spirit around you.
Apart from this, if there is a sweet aroma, it can be a sign of a positive spirit.
The fifth sign is that if there is a sudden change in the temperature of the room or surrounding areas without any natural reason, it is also a sign of some spirit being present near you or passing through you.
Electronic Items
The sixth sign is that if electronic items in the house are repeatedly breaking down without any reason or small items in the house are falling without any reason, then understand that an invisible power is telling you about its presence.
Door Closing in Haunted House
The seventh sign is that if the doors of the house are suddenly closing without any reason and this happens often at night, then understand that there is the presence of a spirit in your house; this doesn’t need to happen only at night. Activity can take place even during the day.
The eighth sign is that if unseen people repeatedly appear in your dreams at night, then it is a sign that some invisible power wants your help or contact with you.
Feeling Cold
The ninth sign is that whenever you are sitting or passing by at home or anywhere else, you often feel that you are with someone, or a cold breeze suddenly hits you. This could be a sign of the presence of a spirit. Is. It is not necessary that it will be a spirit; it can also happen due to natural reasons or your confusion. But it is also not necessary that the reason for this be only your thinking or something natural.
Animal Reaction
The tenth sign is that if the pet keeps looking at the same place or your pet dog keeps barking after seeing some invisible thing, And after that, if that animal, like a dog or cat, remains restless and alert, then it may be a sign of a spirit being around you.