Importance of the Sun in our Solar System
We all know that the Sun is the hottest part of our Planet and no one can stand for long under it. But It is most important as it provides various characteristics and savers to both people and plants living on this planet, and keeps us alive. When the sun is compared with other unlimited stars available in the Universe, It is extremely remarkable. They are the center of attention for both Earth and the surrounding planets. It is the sun that holds the solar system together, keeping the life of plants active the sunlight provides them photosynthesis which is oxygen for them, giving Earthlight, heat, and light. It also gives energy to everything on Earth.
The sun is crucial for other living creatures as they give them light for seeing around and also for doing their work. It is also the provider for us in keeping our bodies warm and heated. As we all learned in school the sun is the primary source of energy on Earth.
How is the Sun formed on the planet?
Billions and billions of years ago, the Sun was formed in a Milky Way Galaxy named the Orion’s Fur. The sun was born when formed as a cloud of dust and gas emitted which is called a Solar Nebula. When they collapsed, at the center of the planet formed a matter condensed that turned into a burning ball made of gas and then formed the Sun. The strange nature of the sun that comes along with the great pull of gravitation and an extensive magnetic field that helped in making the sun the heart of the solar system.
Hydrogen present in the sun is 92.1 percent and 7.9 percent of helium. As the sun has extreme heat and temperature, the elements present in the sun stay as gas in the form of a phase which is named plasma. The sun is also great as it is strong enough to hold the solar system intact and they are so as it is primarily due to its size and mass. That is why it is considered the largest and the most massive object that is present in the solar system.
Importance of Sun in our Solar System
As plants get energy from the light of the sun by the process called photosynthesis, they are able to make food of their own, and this energy present in plants is then transferred to animals eating them and we humans consume them by either eating the plants or meat, present in them by way of the Sun. Solar energy has been in existence in the sun for about 5 to 6 billion years ago.
It not only provides heat and light but also allows air circulation. People during the early civilization used to position their homes facing south where they get the light and heat of the sun for better living and breathing. All of these were a part of solar Architecture. The earlier time was picking and construction, but now everything is digitalized and is easy and more precise.
Other Benefits
Another major factor of the sun present in the Solar system is that with the effect of the Greenhouse. When you convert sunlight to heat, this greenhouse effect makes it possible for plants to grow out of season and also during climates that may not be suitable for plants to grow and have energy. This greenhouse effect came into existence before the invention of glass.
If you want to cook for a large number of people, solar cookers came into existence and are being used by many in and around the world. It has been noted that at least half a million has installed in India alone. This solar cooker is considered the world’s largest cooker that can cook for around 25,000 people. As the exhaustible energy sources are limited in India, there is a need to discuss and focus our idea on developing renewable energy and using them in different technologies.
After that Solar Thermal energy is used for heating water. When they were introduced during the 1800s, there were popular and used by people instead of using stoves that were burned on wood or coal because it was cleaner and costs less when operated. They became popular in America and are now being used in major parts of China, Greece, and Japan.