How did famous King Vikramaditya died ?


Maharaj Vikramaditya was the king of Ujjain, who was famous for his justice, bravery, knowledge and generosity. Vikramaditya was born in 101 BC after 3000 years of Kalikal. Maharaj Vikramaditya had defeated Shako. He started the Hindu Vikram Samvat with his victory. And the nine gems were also started by Maharaj Vikramaditya which was also adopted by the Turkish king Akbar. Emperor Vikram was a very mighty king. No one had the courage to stand in front of him. So let us know how Emperor Vikramaditya died and what happened to his magical throne after death?

King reached old age

When Emperor Vikram had reached old age, he had come to know by his yogic power that his last time is now near. Maharaj Vikramaditya used to engage himself in Raj work and religion and he had built a hut in the forest for meditation. One day he saw light coming from the mountain in front of the cottage, in the midst of this light he saw a beautiful palace.

King’s last story

Maharaj was curious to see the building and he remembered the two sons given by Maa Kali. On his orders, both the Betals brought him to the hill. And he said that we cannot go further than this, on asking the reason, he told that a Yogi Mahatma has made a circle of Tantra Shakti around this palace and he resides in this building. And only one can enter this building whose virtue is more than that Yogi. After knowing the reality, Emperor Vikramaditya stepped towards the palace. He wanted to know whether his virtue was greater than that of the Yogi or not. While walking, he came to the entrance of that building and suddenly a body of fire came near him and became stable there and a commanding voice came from inside the palace.


King testing the yogi

After that he went behind the palace walking the fire body and the door was cleared when he went inside, the same voice started asking him about his introduction. And he said that he should tell everything clearly or else he would incinerate the person coming with his curse. Maharaj Vikramaditya had reached a room by then. Seeing him, a yogi stood there. When Maharaj Vikram told that he was Maharaj Vikramaditya of Ujjain, Yogi said that he considered himself lucky, he did not expect to see Vikramaditya. Yogi honored him very much. And asked Maharaj Vikram to ask for something, then Maharaj Vikramaditya asked for this building with all the comforts and facilities, that Yogi happily handed over this building to Maharaj Vikramaditya and went somewhere in the same forest.

King’s last work

After walking a long distance, that yogi found his guru. When his guru asked him the reason for wandering in the forest like this, he said that he had gifted that building to Maharaj Vikramaditya. Hearing this, his teacher laughed and asked what he would donate to the most charitable person on this earth. He asked Yogi to go in the form of a Brahmin and ask for that building from Vikramaditya. Then the Yogi disguised himself as a Brahmin and went to Vikramaditya in that hut. And demanded to provide shelter to stay, then Maharaj Vikramaditya said that he can ask for a place to live according to his wish, then he asked for that palace, then Maharaj Vikramaditya smiled and said that he had left the palace there. He just wanted to test them.

Vikramaditya left Human world

Maharaj Vikramaditya had qualities similar to those of the deities. But he was born in the world of death, so he was human, so has to left his body one day. After his death, there was an outcry among the people, there was mourning all around, when his funeral pyre was decorated, the gods showered flowers on his funeral pyre.

Anyone couldn’t sit on Vikramaditya’s great throne

After Maharaj Vikramaditya, his elder son was given the throne but he could not sit on that throne. He did not understand why he could not sit on this throne. Then one day Maharaj Vikramaditya himself appeared in his dream and said that you will be able to sit on this throne only when you attain divinity. And when you will be able to sit on this throne by your virtue and fame, then I myself will come in your dream and tell you. But Maharaj Vikramaditya did not come in his dream. Then the scholars of Ujjain decided to bury the throne after the death of Maharaj Vikram because anyone was not equal to him.

Will anyone will ever see the throne again which is still burried ?

Maharaj Vikramaditya came in a dream and then said that in the future, if there is a king with all virtues, then this throne will automatically be under him. As per the order of Maharaj Vikram his son got the throne built in the ground by calling laborers and himself started ruling in Khambhava.

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