Unfolding Mystery of Flight 914

This world is full of mysteries, but there are some mysteries which seem very difficult to understand. There are many such mysteries around the world whose mystery even scientists have not been able to solve till date. Today we will tell you about a mystery about which it seems impossible to believe and even the world’s biggest scientists were astonished by this mystery. About 68 years ago in 1955, a similar mysterious incident had happened. This incident is related to a mysterious plane of America which had landed in another country about 30 years after taking off. It is famous with name Mystery of Flight 914.
It started from America
According to media reports, Flight 914 took off from New York, America for Miami on July 2, 1955. There were a total of 57 passengers on board this airplane, along with which there were also 6 crew members. This airplane took off from New York, America but never reached Miami. It disappeared somewhere midway, i.e. in the air, the clue of which has not been found till date by America.

From 1955 to 1985
The most surprising thing about this incident is that Flight 914, which disappeared 30 years ago i.e. in 1955, mysteriously landed at Caracas Airport in Venezuela on March 9, 1985. The traffic control department of the airport is not informed about this landing. According to media reports, when this flight landed at Caracas airport, not the pilot but the staff present there asked what year it was.
The ground staff told him that this year is 1985. On hearing this, the pilot took a deep breath and said oh my God. After this, before anyone could understand anything, the plane again flew into the sky. Till date no information has been received about this mysterious plane.
News spreads like wildfire in the world
After being published in the newspaper, this news spreads all over the world. People present it in different ways on the internet. Some people question that where was this plane for so long? If it was flying?, why did it not run out of fuel?, was it on an intelligence mission? Amidst all these speculations comes the news that the voice recording found from the black box of the plane is proof of this.
Recording of conversations is called evidence!
The pilot says, where are we? A voice comes from air traffic control, this is Venezuela, where have you come from?. The pilot replies, we have come from New York and this is flight number 914, for Miami Florida. The sound comes from the control panel, how can you make such a big mistake? How did you get 2000 kilometers wrong?
After this, when the person sitting on the control panel checks the diary, it is found that the plane being mentioned had taken its last flight in 1955. The control panel allows the plane to land in confusion. It is said that by the time officers arrive to investigate, the plane disappears.