Importance of Shiv Naam Japa

Importance of Shiv Naam Japa
The name of Shiv is regarded as the most sacred of names; it is hailed as Tarak, it is comparable to Ganga amongst rivers, to rudraksha amongst beads, and is said to be the remover of all sins. Such is the greatness of Shiv naam that its mere jaap can rid one of all paapkarmas. However, there are several results of doing the jaap of Shiv naam that aren’t usually known.
Benefits of Shiv Naam Japa
While even a hundred japs of Shiv naam give one enormous punyakarmas and get them shivakripa, the direct results of no mantra or nama jaap show before purascharan is performed.
For the purascharan of the nama of Shiva and the Panchakshari mantra, it’s recommended to do five lakh jaap of the mantra. One who completes the first purascharan obtains aishvarya as an anukul to their varnashram.
From there on, the actual thing starts, while one starts to obtain wealth and fame suited to their varnashram at the completion of the first purascharan; from the second purascharan, one starts to get the aishvarya from different lokas, starting from Atala and going up to Sarvalokam.
If a person dies by the time he completes anywhere from 6-7 purascharan, they are given the wealth up to the loka, which is related to the purascharan sankhya, and after death they obtain sannidhya.
For anything beyond 7 purascharan to 15 purascharan, the sadhak obtains the wealth associated with the purascharan sankhya during life, and after death they obtain salokya.
For even one purascharan beyond this one, one obtains sarupya; at the next purascharan, they obtain sayujya, and after another purascharan, if they die, they obtain kaivalya moksha.
9 Crore Japa
By doing nine crore jaaps, one becomes free from all sins; by another nine crores, they get mastery of prithvi tattva; by another nine crores on jala, another gives mastery on agni; another nine crores on vayu; and yet another nine crores on akash tattva.
The next five sets of nine crore japas give one mastery over the five senses, consecutively the next five sets on the pancha karmendriyas, and the next five sets on the pancha gyanendriyas, the next on the Manas, and so on; each nine crore jaap gives one mastery over each of the 36 tattvas till one reaches the 36th, and beyond that they obtain tattvabodha.
The results of doing Shiva nama jaap are great; the simple name of Shiv removes all miseries and sins; the mere name describes the very tattva of parabrahm; the mere name by jaap becomes the key to obtaining all siddhis and all forms of moksha.