Major Gods & Goddess of Egypt

The religion of ancient Egypt was the main and state religion of the country of Egypt. It was a pagan and polytheistic religion. The religious life of the ancient Egyptians was very rich. The people of Egypt mainly believed in natural forces. These natural forces were the Sun, the Moon, the Nile River, the Earth, the Mountains, the Sky and the Air.

The ancient religion of Egypt also had the concept of demons and demons. The Egyptians imagined their gods in the form of animals and birds along with humans. Major gods and goddess of Egypt were –

1. Gabe

He was the father god of Seth, Nephatheses and Osiris, and was represented as a swan with his head. He was not credited with any kind of cult for his status as an earthly deity. It was a symbol of fertility, and earthquakes in Egypt were related to the god Geb with his laughter.

2. Ammit

The body of this female deity was made up of three different animals: the lion, the crocodile and the hippopotamus. Unlike the rest of the gods, Ammit was considered a demon, and was feared by everything he represented (death).

3. Shu

Father of Nut and Geb and husband of Tefnut. Together with his wife, they were the first Egyptian gods created by Atum. He was the god of wind and sunlight; Shu’s main function was to hold the body of the goddess Nun and thus separate the sky from the earth.

4. Walnuts

Mother goddess of Nephthys, Seth, Isis and Osiris. For its thin, slender and elongated body composition, it was the symbol of the sky. According to ancient Egyptians, Nut swallowed the sun each evening and gave light at the break of dawn. Its graphic representation is in many temples as well as in the coffins of the dead.

5. Amun

This god was also known as Ammon, and he was the chief god of the city of Thebes. He was the guardian of the pharaoh of the same city, and was placed on the highest level with the god Ra. The union between Amun and Ra gave birth to the god Amun-Ra, and was baptized as the “King of the Gods”.


6. Anubis

This deity was represented as a man with the head of a jackal. The son of Seth and Nepathia, he was the protector of the dead. Anubis was in charge of bringing up the dead on the day of his final judgment. It was also related to the process of mummification and preservation of bodies.

7. Amheh

He was a god of the underworld, whose name meant “Eater of Eternity”. He was depicted as a man with the head of a cannon who lived in a lake of fire.

8. Anat

This female goddess was highly regarded in ancient Egyptian culture. Many temples were dedicated to her, as she represented the goddess of war. The same god Ramse named his daughter as Bint Anat (daughter of Anat in Arabic).

9. Base

Unlike the rest of the deities, the base was sculpted to be seen frontally and not in profile. He was a stout, short limb with a tongue out, and was considered the deity of childbirth. It is believed that the Bes scared away demons at night and protected people from dangerous animals.

10. Heppy

He was the deity who represented the flow of the Nile. He was a man with large breasts and belly and a head ornament made of aquatic plants. It is believed that he lived in river caves and his cult was forged around the city of Aswan.

11. Horus

Enemy of the god Seth, this deity was the son of Isis and Osiris. His representation has always been diffuse: some Egyptologists say that he was a man with the head of an eagle, others as a whole eagle and some claim that Horus was a boy with curls sitting on his mother’s lap.

After killing the god Seth, he became the king of Egypt, was the god of heaven and was considered the protector of kings.

12. Imhotep

Imhotep was one of the few ordinary people who were given divine status. He was an Egyptian mathematical expert and served as chancellor during the time of the Third Dynasty. He himself built his own tomb in what would be his final home (it has since been hidden and his whereabouts are still unknown).

13. Isis

A seminal figure in ancient Egyptian mythology, Isis was the wife of Osiris and the mother of Horus. It was related to funeral rituals and it is said that he made the first mummy with the dismembered remains of Osiris.

When she resurrected Osiris, she gave life to Horus, for which she was also considered the goddess of life, medicine, and protector of kings. For ancient culture, Isis represented the ideal wife, loving, devoted and loving.

14. Backstage

Daughter of Gabe and Nut, sister of Isis, wife of Seth and mother of Anubis, this goddess was known as the “Lady of Palaces”. Like the goddess Isis, Nephew is considered the Egyptian goddess protector of the dead.

15. Osiris

One of the most important gods, was the first king of Egypt. It was believed that it was he who brought civilization to mankind. Resurrected by his wife Isis, he thus became Lord of the Underworld and Chief Judge of Death.

16. Ra

He was the supreme god of the Sun, represented as a man with the head of an eagle. Every night he traveled to the underworld to fight evil and chaos, and was reborn at dawn. The kings of Egypt claimed to be direct descendants of Ra, therefore they called themselves”Sons of Ra”.

17. Seth

He was the son of Geb and Nut, the brother of Osiris. Seth was considered the god of darkness, confusion and chaos. He was depicted as a man with an elongated head and long ears, possibly the skull of an ant-eater. Seth kills his brother and steals the throne of Egypt, and most of the gods hate him. Horus managed to eliminate Seth in what was considered a battle between good and evil.

18. Bay leaf

The goddess of moisture and corrosion, she was the wife of Shu and the mother of Nut and Geb. Together with her husband, she was the first deity created by Atum. It is depicted in two ways: as a woman with the head of a lion or as a lioness.

19. Pata

He was considered the creator of the world through his thoughts and prayers, and for this reason he was considered the creator god. Panta was related to artisans and there was a temple in his honour.

20. Nefertum

According to Egyptian mythology, it was the first lotus flower that existed during the creation of the world and emerged from the source of life. He was considered the son of the creator god, Ptah, and the goddess Shekhmet. He was usually portrayed as a young, handsome, well-built man.

21. Mehen

The Egyptian god represented by a great serpent, he was also considered another protective deity. He incarnated during his noble descent into darkness with the god Ra (remember that Ra was the protector of the good).

22. Khonsu

His name means “traveler”, perhaps related to his journey to the moon every night. This god had a leading role in the creation of life and beings. In this way he was considered the god of the moon.

23. Khanum

He is one of the oldest Egyptian gods in mythology, and is depicted as a man with the head of a ram. Originally believed to be the source of the Nile River, he was also believed to be the creator of children, forming them from clay to introduce them into their mothers’ wombs.

24. Ishtar

She was the goddess of love, fertility, sex, war, and power. She was the daughter of Anu. It is believed that he was the divine personality of the planet Venus.

25. Khapri

This Egyptian deity is a favorite of science fiction novels and movies. It was related to the blue beetle. Khepri is a symbol of creation and rebirth. He was drawn like a man with a beetle head.

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