Main principles of Jainism

God related ideology
There was a great difference of opinion among the scholar on whether the Jains believed in the existence of God or not. But now it is certain that Jainism followers do not believe in the existence of God. Those great heroes themselves did not consider God as the doer of the universe.
He thought that “all that is great in the soul of man and that which is power and morality, is not saffron.” Jainism says that to operate the universe or the world, some supernatural power like God
is not needed. Pilgrims are not considered as gods in this religion and instead of gods and goddesses in temples, only pilgrims are worshipped. In Jainism, God is not considered the soul of the soul.
They say that the creator has hands and feet and he creates something by working with his hands. Not all people consider God as the king of the world. Therefore, the God who does not have this form can never be the creator of the world. In his view, this world is infinite, eternal, and free from self. They consider God to be omniscient and omniscient.

Mahavir used to say that there are two interwoven substances in the world, Jiva and Aji, and both are eternal, none created them and both are independent. The meaning of soul is soul. Mahavir believed that life is found not only in humans, animals, and plants but in every particle of the universe. There are also living beings in stones and rocks, water, and other natural objects. There are innumerable living beings in the world and all are equal. Living beings do not mean only matter. What is left of the world after taking out the life force is all this strange.
Five things are included under Ajiva – Pudpugal (matter), Akasha, Dharma, Dharma Adharma, and Kaal (time). Touch, taste, smell, and colorful, toxic substance called Pudpugal. Broadly speaking, there are two types of inflorescences – molecules that are indivisible and bracts that are aggregates of molecules. The second is materialistic religion. Dharma means the state of motion and Adharma the state of stability. Aakasha, which is the fourth substance, gives rest to all substances. There are two types of Akasha, Loka’s Kasha, and Alo’s Kasha. The liquid of the fifth substance is the sum of the changes in all the substances. The universe moves and functions in response to the reaction of living beings and living beings.
Primacy of action
Jains believe in the primacy of karma. These people believe that the deeds of our previous birth.
It is from this that it is decided in which clan we will be born and what kind of body we will have.
There are many types of actions and their fruits are also of different types.

According to Jainism, there are eighteen major sins
There are eighteen major sins according to Jainism. According to the essential formula, they are
are (1) violence, (2) falsehood, (3) theft, (4) mathematic nature, (5) h, (6) anger, (7) mana, (8) maya (9) greed, (10) ) Raga, (11) Hatred, (12) Discord, (13) Blasphemy, (14) Backbiting, (15) Sex in incontinence and sex in restraint, (16) slander, (17) deceit, (18) false visions.