Who was Maharishi Dadhichi?

Maharishi Dadhichi
Maharishi Dadhichi is one of the most celebrated rishis mentioned in Shastras, albeit there is a very small number of texts and vidyas attributed to him. He is glorified throughout Shastras, especially due to the enormous and impossible feats he performed. He was the son of Atharvan Maharshi and the grandson of Brahma himself.
Coming from the lineage of Atharvan, he specialized in the mantras of the Atharva Veda and also in the use of shatkarmas.
Contributions of Maharishi Dadhichi to Sanatan Dharma
First one must know the contributions of Maharshi Dadhichi to the field of dharma with respect to the aspect of vidyas after which his glorious deeds shall be described. Maharshi Dadhichi was the greatest master of the Madhu Vidya, which is a rare Vidya of tantrik nature that can grant one many things, including jivanmukti and brahmbodha. The Vidya can also allow one to rapidly do kosha bhedan, especially focusing on the Anandamaya kosha. The Vidya was received by Maharshi Dadhichi himself from the Hayagriva avatar of Vishnu.
Maharshi Dadhichi is also an active element in Chinachara and is said to have heavily contributed to perfecting the Vidya of Kaya Kalpa Vajra Deha, which is a system that allows one to harden their body by means of sadhanas. Due to this very reason, he had a body that had bones strong enough to make the Vajra for Indra. The Vidya plays a major role in Chinachara sadhanas, especially as one progresses upwards. This Vidya is also an interesting blend of the mantra Shakti and yogi sadhana, which allows one to synchronize the two and achieve progress quickly.
Glories of Rishi Dadhichi
While this is all that’s known of his contributions with respect to doctrines and practices, there are several incidents that describe his glories. Maharishi Dadhichi is the epitome of Shivbhakti and a role model for all Shivbhaktas. He is one of the most prominent and crucial figures in Daksha Yajna Parva, which is present in almost all shastras. At Daksha Yajna, when his istha was insulted, Dadhichi did not remain silent; he didn’t think twice before cursing Daksha along with his entire group of supporters, which included devatas and even rishis of various ranks.
Maharishi Dadhichi and Nandi Maharaj cursed the entire generations of all the Brahmanas present in support of Daksha that they shall become greedy and lustful and forget the actual import of shastras, which will lead them to derive imaginary meanings from shastras and cause delusions. This curse was so potent that it affects the descendants of those Brahmanas till date and is the reason behind the presence of such Brahmanas who are greedy and lustful and have no idea of the actual meaning of shastras, thus making up imaginary meanings.
Maharishi Dadhichi also performed several major feats during Daksha Yajna, beating up several rishis and even devatas. His victims, according to the various accounts, included Indra, Yam, Agni, Varun, and rishis such as Bhirgu. In one account it is stated that he didn’t even spare Vishnu. When Vishnuji interfered with the activities of Veerbhadra, Dadhichi Maharishi came to his aid and dragged Vishnuji by his hairs through the bhoomi of the Yajnasthal.
Sacrifice of Maharishi Dadhichi
The most remarkable incident regarding Maharishi Dadhichi is his sacrifice of himself for the purpose of helping Indra. When Indra went to fight Vritrasur, he was at a disadvantage, so he sought help and was guided by Vishnu, who stated that Vritra could be killed only by weapons made out of the vajra asthi of Maharshi Dadhichi. Indra came to Maharshi and asked for his asthi, which Maharshi willingly offered, and Indra was able to kill the demon Vritra.
The bones of Dadhichi were so perfected by the practice of Kaya Kalpa Vajra Deha that Vishnu described his bones as vajra asthi to Indra. This not only shows the sacrifice of Maharshi Dadhichi but also shows his dedication and excellence within the domain of the Vajra Deha practice so much that his bones became one with Vajra Tattva and were described as such even by Vishnu. His bones were so strong they could destroy Vritra with ease.
A claim circulating the Vajra Nirman Parva and Vritrasur Yuddh is that the aspect of Maharshi Dadhichi being the one whose bones were used is a pauranik narrative and not found in the vaidika domain. Some quote Rigveda Pratham Mandala Suktam 121 mantra 12 to state that Usan was the one who created Vajra, and thus Dadhichi has no link to the incident. However, this is entirely an instance of misinterpretation and not fact; this becomes clear by studying this mantra and another one with respect to the said incident. The mantra here in the discussion goes as
“उशना मन्दिनं दाद वर्त्रहणं पार्यं ततक्ष वज्रम”
The mantra nowhere states that the bones of Ushan were used, nor does it anywhere name the material used for the making of the said vajra; this simply calls Ushan the maker of the vajra. The second mantra in question is from the same Mandal of Rigved but from a previous Suktam. Suktam 84 mantra 13 states:
इन्द्रो दधीचो अस्थभिर्व्र्त्राण्यप्रतिष्कुतः जघान नवतीर्नव
The mantra states that the material that Indra used to strike Vritra 99 times, which resulted in the death of Vritra, was actually the bones of Dadhichi (दधीचो अस्थभिर्व्र्त्रा). This makes it clear that Kavya Ushan is just the maker of Vajra, and the material used was indeed the bones of Maharshi Dadhichi.
The glories of Maharshi Dadhichi exceed those of many despite him not being the author of many texts and founder of many vidyas, which is the case with his opponents, yet his great deeds, which were often impossible for others, and his greatest act of sacrifice make him stand out amongst the many rishis. He is the epitome of Shivbhakti and his system of Kaya Kalpa. Vajra Deha is something that’s crucial with respect to the study of Vajra Deha, the domain of Yoga, and the domain of Chinachara.