What is Karna Pishachini Sadhana? Is it dangerous to do it?

Karna Pishachini Sadhana-

Friends, you all must have seen Karna Pishachini in the horror serial. Friends, do you know who Karna Pishachini is? Let me tell you that Karna Pishachini is a kind of ghost full of dark powers which the seeker proves to fulfill his needs. Karna means Ear and Pishachini means Ghost, that is, it is such a ghost that gives information about the past and Present in the ears of the seeker.

Why do people do Karna Pishachini Sadhana?

Both God and the devil exist in this world. Whatever is not in our destiny and whatever wishes are not fulfilled by our God, those wishes are fulfilled by ghosts, Evil Spirits, and devils. One of them is a Ghost whose name is Karna Pishachini.
This is one of the most dangerous black powers and tantra practices. By proving or Getting it a person can attain wealth, wealth, honor and fame. But friends, remember that Karna Pishachini Sadhana is one of the very dangerous Sadhanas.
People who are financially troubled, who do not have money, wealth, glory, or fame, and who are not worthy of respect in society, such people get fed up and seek Karna Pichshini to improve their economic condition or to take revenge on others. Let’s meditate. This sadhana lasts for about 21 days.

What is Karna Pishachini Sadhana? Is it dangerous to do it?

How is Karna Pishachini Sadhana done?

Karna Pishachini Siddhi Sadhana is of two types, Vedic and Tantrik. It is a Trikaldarshi sadhana. After doing this sadhana, the person becomes Trikaldarshi because Karna Pichashini tells everything about the past, Present, and future in the Ears of the seeker. It takes approximately 21 days to complete this sadhana. Karna Pishachin comes to the seeker in 21 days. To prove this Pishachini, the seeker should have an unwavering and immense ability to tolerate faith, belief, and discomfort because it is not possible to do this sadhana by normal method. Sadhak should wear black clothes to perform Karna Pishachin Sadhana. You can do this Sadhana in an empty room at home or in a crematorium.


This sadhana is done at appropriate times during the day and night. This sadhana is for 21 days. Before starting this sadhana, a Trishul made of vermilion in a bronze plate is worshiped by mantra. To prove the mantra, chant the mantra 1100 times by lighting a ghee lamp and worship the Trishul at night. Friends, keep one thing in mind if you are doing sadhana at home then the unbroken lamp of ghee and oil that you have lit, should not be extinguished until your sadhana is completed. If that unbroken lamp gets extinguished during Sadhana, then your Sadhana will be dissolved. Now we are going to tell you about Karna Pishachini Mantra.

ऊँ नमः कर्ण पिशाचिनी अमोघ सत्यवादिनी मम कर्णे अवतरावतर अतीता नागतवर्त मानानि दर्शय मम भविष्य कथय-कथय हीं कर्ण पिचाशिनी स्वहा।

Om Namah Karna Pishachini Amogh Satyavadini Mam Karne Avataratra Atita Nagatvart Manani Darshay Mam Bhavishya Kathay-Kathay Hi Karna Pichashini Swaha

Note: This mantra should be chanted only after the Guru’s permission, otherwise you may even die.

Precautions to be taken during Karna Pishachini Sadhana

  • Friends, keep one thing in mind that you should not do this sadhana without the guidance of a Guru.
  • You should not misuse the Karna Pishachini mantra.
  • At the time of Sadhana, you have to eat one time only and wear black clothes.
  • During sadhana, your family members should not know that whose sadhana you are doing.
  • If you are married then you will stay away from your wife during sadhna and during this you will not come in contact with any other woman otherwise it can prove fatal for you.
  • Apart from this, as long as you are doing this sadhana, you do not have to go to any temple. If you are doing sadhana in a secluded room at home, then you should not keep a picture of any deity in that room.
  • As you all know that Karna Pichashini Sadhna is done for 21 days, During this time the burning unbroken lamp should not be extinguished, if the lamp is extinguished then understand that your Sadhna has been broken.
  • This is such a dangerous sadhana that if your sadhana is interrupted in between, your mental balance may deteriorate and even you may die.

Why you should Avoid this Sadhana

  • You must not break the promise you have made to Karna Pishachini under any circumstances, otherwise, this Pishachini will get angry with you.
  • If you have proved Karna Pishachini as a wife or girlfriend, then you have to stay away from your wife and children completely. Even you don’t have to look at any other stranger’s woman, otherwise this Karna Pishachini will get angry with you.
  • Friends, when Karna Pishachini is happy, she will give you money, wealth, glory, and fame, but if you ever ignore her, she will get angry with you and snatch everything from you. There is a saying that the washerman’s dog is neither of the house nor of the ghat, exactly the same situation will happen to you. Karna Pichashini will always be on the lookout for you to commit some mistake that will make her angry with you.
  • After proving Karna Pishachini, it is very difficult to get rid of them. Even your life can be lost and your whole family can be destroyed. That’s why friends, do this sadhana very thoughtfully, if possible, it is better if you stay away from this sadhana.

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