Swapna Shastra-Good and Bad omens in dreams

The psychology of dreams has always been a matter of curiosity for humans. Philosophers, scientists, and psychiatrists have all interpreted dreams in different ways. The Greek philosopher Hippocrates believed that after sleeping, the soul wanders here and there after coming out of the body and later entering the body. At that time the body is in a state of coma. But how much truth is there in this matter is still a matter of research. But according to astrology, everything seen in dreams indicates something or the other. Let us know the reality of dreams.

What are dreams in astrology?
Our dreams help us to tap into the deep wisdom that resides in our unconscious that can provide us with further insights that allow us to reflect on what we can learn about ourselves through our astrology charts. Both astrology and dreams are ways to tap into our self-awareness and psyche.
Why do we keep having weird dreams?
If you are having strange dreams, it could be due to stress, anxiety, or lack of sleep. To stop having weird dreams, try to manage your stress levels and stick to a sleep routine. If you wake up from a strange dream, go back to sleep using deep breathing or relaxing activity.

Which planet is responsible for nightmares ?
Rahu is the ruling planet of dreams and the ninth house in the horoscope is the place of dreams. The planets in the ninth house and their association with Rahu determine the kind of dreams you will get to see. If the planets in the ninth house are enemies of Rahu and are particularly weak, you will have terrible nightmares.
What is the rarest dream?
Most experts agree that lucid dreams are the rarest type of dreams. While dreaming you are aware that you are dreaming but you go on dreaming. According to researchers, 55 percent of people experience this type of dream at least once in their lives.

What are the types of dreams?
1) Daydreaming – Daydreaming is classified as a level of consciousness between sleep and wakefulness.
2) False awakening dreams – I know this has happened to me many times in the morning.
3) Lucid Dreams – Lucid dreams occur when you realize that you are dreaming.
Seeing the temple in dream
Swapna Shastra says that if a person sees a temple in a dream, then this dream indicates profit and wealth in business. Such dreams seem to be of progress in life.
Seeing water like this in dreams
According to dream science, if you see rain in your dream, then it is a good sign for you. It means money and material benefits. Such a dream indicates that you are going to get good news and your stuck work is going to be completed. On the other hand, if you see heavy rain in your dream, it means that Goddess Lakshmi is going to be pleased with you. There is a strong possibility of progress in business and jobs. If a person has seen clear water in a dream, then this dream is considered an auspicious dream. It means that the job profession people are going to get progress. Some kind of religious or auspicious work is going to be organized in the house.
Ominous sign of seawater
If you see sea water in your dream then it is considered inauspicious. According to dream science, after seeing such dreams, a person should drive carefully and go to high places with caution. This dream indicates to be careful in the future.
Seeing a rose flower in a dream
According to dream science, if you see a rose flower in your dream, then it is considered auspicious for you. This is a sign of positivity coming into your life. Such dreams also mean that soon some desire of your mind is going to be fulfilled.
Fall into a dream
According to dream science, if you see a dream in which you are drowning in deep water. This is a sign that you are in some fear or sadness. In the dream itself, the person should stop thinking about the events that have passed. You should not worry about anything and try to calm your mind.
Seeing yourself as poor
If you see yourself as poor in your dream, then this dream is good for you. You don’t need to worry about it. Such a dream means an increase in your wealth. It is also a sign of getting back the stuck money.
Seeing a parrot in dream
If you see a parrot in your dream, it means that you are going to get some good news. Happiness is about to start in your life. Parrot has always been considered a symbol of good luck.
Mountain climbing in dream
Climbing a mountain in a dream means that you are going to make progress in life. Such dreams always point towards reaching the pinnacle of success.
Seeing a fruit tree in a dream
If you see a tree laden with fruits in your dream, it indicates a lot of happiness to come into your life. Fruits and flowers are considered a symbol of happiness. A tree laden with flowers is considered a sign of the arrival of happiness.
Seeing death
If you see the death of any of your relatives in your dreams, then understand that their age has increased. Such dreams are not considered wrong in Hindu scriptures.
Seeing shiv Parvati
Lord Shiva-Parvati who appear together in dreams. It is considered auspicious for them. Especially for people who are not getting married. Seeing Shiva-Parvati in the dream is a sign of early marriage
Seeing building construction
If you see the construction of a building in your dream, it means that there will be progress in your life. You are going to get money.
Appearance of broom
According to Hindu scriptures, seeing a broom in a dream is an auspicious sign. The broom is considered the symbol of Lakshmi. This is a direct indication that you are going to gain money.
Seeing a mongoose in a dream
It is considered auspicious to see mongoose in dreams. According to religious scriptures and mythological beliefs, seeing a mongoose means that our economic side is strong.
Seeing an elephant in a dream
According to dream science, if you see an elephant in your dream, then it brings an auspicious sign. Seeing an elephant in a dream is an indicator of an increase in happiness and prosperity along with good luck. If you see riding an elephant in your dream, it means that happiness and peace will come into the house, and your wealth will also increase.
Seeing a cow in a dream
According to dream science, seeing a cow in a dream is considered very auspicious. Seeing a cow indicates that you are going to get happiness in your life. If you see a white-colored cow in your dream, it means that you will get benefits from things related to white color. If you see a calf of a cow in your dream, it means that you are going to get an increase in wealth.
Seeing a dog in a dream
Seeing a dog in a dream is an auspicious sign. According to dream science, if you see a dog biting you in your dream, it means that you are about to get rid of some big problem. If a dog runs in a dream, it is a sign of improvement in your life.
Cat in dream
If you see a cat in your dream, it also gives a good sign. Seeing a wild cat in a dream means that your goal is about to be fulfilled. That means whatever you have thought about your career or life will be fulfilled.
Seeing a frog in a dream
Holding a frog in a dream is an auspicious sign. Seeing a frog in a dream means that you will get success in your work. New avenues will open for you. Which will make you happy.