Story of Shiva’s power – Devi Sati

The wonderful love of Lord Shiva and Sati is described in the scriptures. The proof of this is self-immolation by jumping into the sacrificial fire pit of Sati and Shiva carrying the dead body of Sati and performing the tandava. Although this was also Shiva’s leela because Shiva wanted to establish 51 Shakti Peethas on Earth.

The Secret of Mundmala of Shiva

Shiva had already told Sati that she had to give up her body. At the same time, he also told Sati the secret of the garland of shaved heads around his neck. Once on Narad ji’s instigation, Sati started insisting to Lord Shiva that what is the secret of the garland of hair around your neck? When Sati did not agree even after a lot of persuasion, Lord Shiva revealed the secret.

108 Birth of Shakti

Shiva told Parvati that all the heads in this garland are yours. Sati was surprised to hear this. Sati asked Lord Shiva, how is it possible that all the heads are mine? On this, Shiva said this is your 108th birth. Before this, you have given up your body after taking 107 births and all these heads are a sign of those previous births. There is a shortage of one head in this rosary, after that, this rosary will be complete. Hearing this talk of Shiva, Sati said to Shiva, I sacrifice my body by taking birth again and again, but why don’t you sacrifice your body?

Shiva laughed and said, ‘I know the immortal story, so I don’t have to sacrifice my body.’ On this Sati also expressed her desire to know the immortal story. When Shiva started telling the story to Sati, she fell asleep and could not listen to the story. That’s why she had to sacrifice her body by jumping into the Yagya Kund of Daksha.

Last Birth is of Goddess Parvati

Shiva also entwined the head of Sati in the garland. In this way, a garland of 108 heads was prepared. Sati took the next birth as Parvati. Parvati would get immortality in this birth and then she did not have to leave her body.

Birth story of Devi Sati

According to the legend, all the daughters of Daksha Prajapati were virtuous but still, Daksha was not satisfied. They wanted such a daughter to be born in their house, who is endowed with all powers. Thinking about this, he started doing penance for his daughter. When many days passed while doing penance, Bhagwati Aadya appeared and said, ‘ I am pleased with your penance. Why are you doing penance? When Daksh told the reason for doing penance, the mother said, I will take birth in your place as a daughter and my name will be Sati.

Sati and Shiva’s union

After some time Bhagwati Adya took birth at Daksha’s place in the form of Sati. Sati was the most supernatural of all the daughters of Daksha. Sati had done many such supernatural wonders in her childhood itself, seeing which even Daksh himself used to be amazed. But when Sati became marriageable, Daksh started worrying about a groom for her. He consulted Brahma ji in this matter. Brahma ji said Sati is the incarnation of Adya. Adya Adi Shakti and Shiva Adi Purusha. Therefore, Shiva is the only eligible and appropriate groom for Sati’s marriage. But Daksha did not like Shiva. He used to say that he always roams around wearing snake and lion skin around his neck. But due to the stubbornness of Sati, he had to agree. At last Sati’s marriage was done with Bholenath.

Daksha hate Shiva

Once in Devaloka, Brahma organized a meeting for the formulation of Dharma and all the great people attended there. When Daksha arrived at the assembly, all the deities got up and stood up, but Lord Shiva did not stand up. He didn’t even bow down to Daksh. Daksh felt very bad about this. Not only this, the fire of jealousy toward Lord Shiva lit up in his heart. They waited for the time and opportunity to take revenge on them.

Daksha insulted Shiva

King Daksha once organized a yagya and invited everyone but did not invite Lord Shiva. But there was a lot of desire to go to Mata Sati’s Yagya and meet her sisters. Devi sought God’s permission to go there but God refused to go there saying that it is not right to go there now. But the mother did not agree and kept on being stubborn. At last, God sent him to go and also sent one of his Gana along with him, whose name was Virbhadra.

Sati didn’t resist Shiva’s irrespect

When Sati reached her Pehar, King Daksha said very bitter and derogatory words to her about her husband Shiva. But Goddess Sati remained silent for a long time. After some time, Sati saw the parts of all the deities in the Yagya Mandap but did not see the part of Lord Shiva. Seeing the part of Lord Shiva, he asked his father about it, then Daksha said I do not consider your husband Shiva as a deity. He is the master of ghosts, the one who remains naked and the one who wears the garland of bones. He is not fit to sit in the row of the gods. Who will make him part?

Hearing these things, Sati’s eyes turned red in anger and she started saying that those who have the power to destroy the entire universe in just a moment. They are my master. For a woman, her husband is heaven. The woman who hears derogatory words for her husband has to go to hell. I don’t want to live even a moment longer. Sati finished her statement and jumped into the Yagya Kund. Along with the burning oblations, his body also started burning.

Shiva got upset

Seeing all this, Virbhadra got angry and cut off Daksha’s head and threw it away. When this matter came to the ears of Lord Shiva, he reached Kankhal like a strong storm. Seeing the burnt body of Sati, Lord Shiva forgot himself. Sati’s love and devotion disturbed Shankar’s mind. They got lost in the love of Sati and became unconscious. Lord Shiva put the burnt body of Sati on his shoulder. They started traveling in all directions. Seeing this supernatural love of Shiva and Sati, the earth stopped, the wind stopped, the flow of water stopped and the breathing of the gods also stopped. Seeing all this, Lord Vishnu went ahead and started chopping off every part of Sati with his chakra. After all this, Lord Shiva regained consciousness and all the works of creation started again.

Sati reborn as Parvati for Shiva

Later, Shankarji’s condition became pathetic due to Sati’s separation. He kept meditating on Sati every moment and was busy discussing her. On the other hand, Sati had also resolved while sacrificing her body that I should be born in the place of King Himalaya and become the better half of Shankarji. Now Jagdamba’s resolution was saved from being in vain. She appeared from the womb of Menaka, the wife of King Himalaya, at the right time. Being the daughter of Parvatraj, she was called ‘Parvati’. She was married to Shiva after doing hard penance of about 3000 years.

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