History and Origin of Evil Eye

Everyone has a different way to ward off the evil eye. Some apply black tika to protect the newborn from the evil eye, while some hang lemons and chilies outside the shop. This trick of the evil eye has now started appearing on social media as well. From celebrities to common people, everyone has started sharing it in their posts in the form of emoji. People believe that this is to protect them from the evil eye. It is not known whether it works or not, but Evil Eye has indeed been a part of our culture and history for centuries. Let us know today how old this method of avoiding the evil eye is and in which countries or cultures of the world it is still seen.

What is the evil eye ?
When people see someone better or in a better condition than themselves, be it in clothes, food, or home, then people look at th is person with envy. It is believed that during this time negative energy comes out from the eyes of the people, due to which the person in front is harmed. It is believed that it can also cause injury and misfortune to people.
History of the evil eye
The first recorded evidence of the evil eye in cuneiform form was found in Mesopotamia about 5000 years ago. Tell Brak was one of the oldest cities in Mesopotamia, where many of its amulets were found in excavations. In some remains of that time, it is shown in the form of clay tablets. Some people believe that the concept of the devil eye has been going on since the Paleolithic age. It was a kind of evil eye shown in clay or idols.

Wires are also connected to Egypt
The evil eye was later changed to its present day i.e. blue color and glass amulet. It is said to have originated as far back as 1500 BC in the glass trade area of the Mediterranean region. It was probably made from Egyptian glazed clay. This soil has a high percentage of oxide. As far as its blue color is concerned, it got blue color by burning copper and cobalt. Many blue Eyes of Horus pendants were found in excavations in Egypt, which indicates that there was a belief in this concept.
A Turkish tribe also uses
People of a tribe in Turkey believe that Tengri, the god of the sky, protects from the devil eye. Since the color of the sky is blue, they also started making blue-colored talismans to ward off the evil eye.
Evidence also found in Rome and Greece
Some historians believe that about 3000 years ago, writings about the evil eye were also found in ancient Greece and Rome. In those days, people used to believe that by wearing the talismans of Evil Eye, the evil eye can be avoided. The trend of the devil Eye is seen in many cultures and religions.

Trending in India for years
In Hinduism, too, many measures are taken to avoid the Devil eye. Many people in India believe in the concept of nazar lagna. Many people believe that due to the evil eye, the milk of a milking animal dries up and even a tree laden with fruits can suddenly dry up. That’s why to avoid this, people keep doing tricks like a black vaccine, lemon chili, hanging shoes outside the house, etc.
Europeans also believe in the Devil Eye
The people of Europe also believe that the possibility of bad luck coming from the Evil Eye increases a lot. There it is believed that a person with blue eyes can cast an devil eye. Not only this, there is a belief in Italy that people try to stay away from those whose eyebrows are joined. People there believe that such people have the power to cast the evil eye.