Who was Jack the Ripper ?

Jack the Ripper was an English serial killer. Between August and November 1888, he murdered at least five women – all prostitutes – in or around the Whitechapel district of London’s East End. Jack the Ripper was never identified or arrested. Today the murder sites have become the site of a macabre tourism industry in London

He killed only drunken bar girls

Jack the Ripper was a very fearsome killer. He used to make only drunken bar girls his victims. During the year 1888, he used to kill them and take out their body parts. After all, who was he and why did he repeatedly kill girls? There was a lot of fear of this serial killer in London in the year 1888. In September 1888, a sensational letter was published in a London newspaper, written by a dangerous murderer. He had described his first murder horrifyingly. He said he was going to kill more. It was not clear whether this letter was written by the serial killer. From this letter, the killer got an identity and got the name Jack the Ripper.

Who was Jack the Ripper ?

Unique and furious killing pattern

Serial killer Jack the Ripper murdered girls 5 times and especially killed all of them. Everyone’s neck was slit with a sharp weapon and their bodies were brutally treated. Firstly, he made his first hunt on 31 August 1888. He brutally murdered Mary Ann Nichols. After this murder, the serial killer’s letter was published in a London newspaper in which he told about this murder. Along with this, there was also talk of committing more murders.

After killing the bar girls, Jack the Ripper would cut out their internal organs and take them out. He had many times pierced the girls’ private parts with knives. After killing her, this serial killer took out her uterus, kidney, and heart. The city of White Chapel in London was considered to be the bastion of bar girls. He was most feared in this city. Women did not leave the house alone at night. To date, it is not known where the serial killer came from and where he went missing. Many claims are made.

His identity remained hidden

Many women reported that he always wore a leather apron. The police were apprehensive whether the man was a Jew because arresting him might trigger a riot. But this apprehension of the police proved wrong. After this again news was published that the dreaded serial killer has returned. He brutally murdered two more people. After this, thousands of people from all over the country gathered in the White Chapel of London, and Queen Victoria also reached there. Police patrolling was increased here and detectives were deployed. But the real name of this serial killer was never known because he was never caught.

Investigations claim to reveal murders

Those investigating this case claim that they have found ‘Jack the Ripper’. More than 100 years later, scientists claim to have solved the murders based on a DNA match. DNA was taken from shawls found near five victims killed by the serial killer. This DNA matched that of a 23-year-old barber named Aaron Kosminski. Scientists had claimed two years ago that this DNA completely matches Aron’s DNA. Scientists say that the killer had brown hair and brown eyes. He says we have evidence that matches the killer.

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