What is Tantra Sadhana ?

Thousands of types of education and practices are described in Hinduism. Achievements are achieved by meditation. A person wants to achieve achievements because either he wants to get worldly benefits from them or spiritual benefits. Basically four types of Sadhana can be considered – Tantra Sadhana, Mantra Sadhana, Yantra Sadhana and Yoga Sadhana. There are many sub-types of all four types of meditation. The question is, what is Tantra Sadhana? On hearing the name of Tantra Vidya, Sadhana or Tantra Shastra, people get scared. It is believed that this will be some terrible education or meditation of Aghoris, but it’s not like that.

Body is important in Tantra
In simple sense, Tantra means body, Mantra means mind and Yantra means any machine or object. Another meaning of Tantra is system. Tantra believes that we are in the body, this is a reality. The physical body is the center of all our actions. Therefore, it is very important to keep this body satisfied and healthy in every way. It is necessary to increase the capacity of this body. Spirituality can be made simple through this body only. Yoga also says the same.
Tantra has nothing to do with meat, alcohol and sexual intercourse, a person who indulges in such atrocious acts can never become a Tantrik. Tantra has been defamed by people like this. The basic purpose of Tantrik Sadhana is to interview with Siddhi. For this, spiritual practices are done by being introverted.
Texts of Tantric Sadhana
Tantra is basically seen by connecting with Shaiva Agama Shastras, but its origin is found in Atharvaveda. Tantra Shastra is divided into 3 parts Agam Tantra, Yamal Tantra and Main Tantra. Shaivagam, Rudragam and Bhairavagam are prominent in Agam.
According to Varahitantra, in which there is a description of the holocaust, worship of the gods, means of good deeds, Purashcharan, Shatkarmasadhan and four types of meditation, it is called ‘Agam’. In which there is description of creation, astrology, routine, order, sutra, caste difference and age religion, it is called ‘Yamal’. Similarly, the one in which creation, rhythm, mantra, decision, pilgrimage, ashramadharma, kalpa, astrological institute, vratkatha, shauch-ashauch, male and female characteristics, Rajdharma, charity, Yugadharma, behavior and spiritual rules are described, it is called ‘Main Tantra’.
According to the Varahi Tantra, out of the nine lakh verses of the Tantra, one lakh verses are in India. Tantra literature has become a victim of destruction and neglect due to forgetfulness. Now many texts of Tantra Shastra have disappeared. According to the information received at present, there are 199 Tantra texts. The expansion of Tantra remained in India, China, Tibet, Thailand, Mongolia, Kamboj etc. in a very impressive form from BC to thirteenth century. Tantra is called Rigyud in Tibetan language. The entire Rigyud is in 78 parts, which have 2640 independent texts. Many of these texts are translations of Indian tantric texts and many were composed by Tibetan ascetics.
Mysterious learnings
There are many learnings in Tantric Vidhya, Guhya-learning is one of them. Guhya means secret. Through Tantra Vidya, a person can be endowed with many types of powers by developing his self-power. This is the purpose of Tantra. Similarly, Hypnosis, Tratak, Trikal, Indrajal, Para, Apara and Pran Vidya were born from Tantras. Vashikaran, Mohan, Vidweshan, Uchchatan and Stambhan Kriyas are also done by Tantra. Similarly, becoming an animal from a man, disappearing, making 5-5 forms together, crossing the ocean, lifting huge mountains, millions of miles. Many tasks like seeing and talking to a far away person are possible only because of this system. The mantras and worship of Tantra Shastra are of different types.
Tantrik Guru
The first teacher of Tantra is Lord Shankar and after him Lord Dattatreya. Later Siddha, Yogi, Shakta and Nath traditions have been prevalent. Apart from Shiva, Dattatreya, the pioneer of Tantra practice, many sages like Narad, Parshuram, Pippaladi, Vasistha, Sanak, Shuk, Sandan, Sanatkumar, Bhairav, Bhairavi, Kali etc. have been worshipers of this practice. In which Shiva was the originator of knowledge; Ushana, Brihaspati, Dadhichi, Sanatkumar, Namulish etc. are mentioned in them. In the Mangalashtak episode of Jayadrathayamal, the names of many sages, such as Durvasa, Sanak, Vishnu, Kasapya, Samvarta, Vishwamitra, Galav, Gautama, Yajnavalkya, Shatatap, Apastamba, Katyayana, Bhrigu etc., are the names of many sages.
Weapons from Tantric Vidhya
Deadly types of weapons were made in ancient times only through Tantra, like Pashupatastra, Nagpash, Brahmastra etc. In which, instead of instruments, the electrical power residing in the human body is made endowed with such a characteristic that nature results in the subtle atoms in the same condition in which the human being wants. It can be done with the help of some instruments. This Tantra part of science is called ‘Savitri Vigyan’ by the names of Tantra-Sadhana, Vammarg etc. In the five types of sadhna mentioned in Tantra Shastra, Mudra Sadhan is of great importance and the best. Mudra includes all the activities of yoga like asana, pranayama, meditation etc.
Tantrik Sadhana
Tantrik Sadhana is generally said to have 3 paths – Left Marg, South Marg and Middle Marg. However, it is mainly of two types – one is the left way and the other is the right way. Left way meditation is very difficult. There are 6 types of Karma mentioned in Vam Margi Tantra Sadhna which are called Shat Karma.
That is, Shanti Karma, Vashikaran, Stambhan, Vidweshan, Uchchatan, Maran these six Tantric Shat Karma.
Apart from this, the description of nine experiments is found: – Maran, Mohan, Stambhan, Vidveshan, Uchchatan, Vashikaran, Attraction, Yakshini Sadhana.
The one which brings peace to diseases, evil deeds and planets etc., is called Shanti Karma and the work by which all the creatures are subdued is called Vashikaran Prayog and the one which stops the instincts of the creatures is called Stambhan and two The name for liberating the mutual love of living beings is Vidveshan and the deed by which a living being is separated from the country etc. is called Uchchatan Prayog and the deed by which life is taken away is called Maran Karma.
Symbols of Tantra
Swastik or Om symbol in the middle of a star made of a triangle, Mehendi applied on hands, Alpana painted on courtyard doors, Swastik applied when a child is born in the evening, and the shape of a bundle. , Rangoli decorated on Diwali and other festivals etc. are symbols of Tantra. However, there are other symbols of tantra like some yoga postures, actions etc.
Tantric mantras
There are mainly 3 types of mantras- 1. Vedic mantra, 2. Tantric mantra and 3. Shabar mantra. Letters like Hni, Kleen, Shree, Ain, Krum etc. are used in the seed mantras of Tantrikas. All mantras which have such letters in the beginning are tantric mantras. Tantric mantras also include monosyllabic (Kali) mantra Om Krim, three syllable Kali mantra Om Krim Hrun Hreem, five syllable Kali Mantra Om Krim Hrum Hrim Ho Phat, Shadakshari Kali Mantra Om Krim Kalike Swaha, Saptakshari Kali Mantra or Om Hrun Hrun Kreen Kreen Kreen Hree Hree Dakshinakalike Hrun Hrun Kree Kree Kree Hree Hree Swaha.
Goddesses and Gods of Tantric Sadhana
Goddess Kali, Ashta Bhairavi, Nine Durga, Ten Mahavidyas, 64 Yoginis etc. are worshiped in Tantra Sadhana. Similarly, Batuk Bhairav, Kaal Bhairav, Nag Maharaj are worshipped. Apart from the sadhna of the above, those who do the sadhna of Yakshini, Pishachini, Apsara, Veer Sadhna, Gandharva Sadhna, Kinnar Sadhna, Nayak Nayika Sadhna, Dakini-Shakini, Vidyadhar, Siddha, Daitya, Danav, Rakshasa, Guhmak, Bhoot, Vetal, Aghor etc. is prohibited.
How to do Tantric Sadhana ?
First of all, why do you want to do Tantric Sadhana? When this ‘why’ becomes clear to you, then you should study the books related to that sadhna. After studying the books, find a suitable system.
When a worthy seeker is found, learn and do this sadhna only by staying near him. If you do this sadhna after reading four books, then be careful, because it can lead to bad results. If your aim is to do bad to someone through this sadhna, then also you should be careful because you may also have to bear the consequences.