What are Nine Nidhi of Kuber ?

Some time ago we told you about the Nav Nidhi of Pawanputra Hanuman. Hanumanji is said to be the giver of eight accomplishments and nine treasures. Just as Hanuman has nine nidhi, similarly Kuber, the treasurer of the gods, also has nine Nidhi. The only difference is that Hanuman can bestow his nine treasures to anyone else whereas Kubera cannot do so.
What is Nidhi ?
Nidhi means such wealth which is very rare. Many of these have also been described by Yudhishthir in Mahabharata. Kuber received these treasures from Mahadev. Pleased with his penance, Lord Shankar not only donated these funds to him but also gave him the post of treasurer of the gods.
The person who has Padma Nidhi is full of virtuous qualities. It can also be said that to attain Padma Nidhi, a person must have a virtuous attitude. Since this wealth can be obtained only in a virtuous way, that is why its existence remains for a long time. It is said that Padma Nidhi provides power to many generations of human beings and they never face a shortage of money.
This wealth is so much that man keeps using it from generation to generation but even then it does not end. A person endowed with virtuous qualities not only collects this wealth but also donates it with the same free spirit. Although the description of the generation for the use of this fund has not been given, still it is said that the Padma Nidhi continues for 21 generations of a person.
This Nidhi is also similar to the Padma fund but its effect lasts for 7 generations. Subsequent generations cannot take advantage of this fund. Like Padma, Mahapadma Nidhi is also considered Satvik and the person who has this Nidhi donates the money he has collected in religious works. Overall, it can be said that a person who has received Mahapadma Nidhi is charitable but his wealth remains in his family only for 7 generations.
But even after all this, this treasure or wealth is so much that even if a person spends it with both hands, it continues from generation to generation (seven). The person receiving this Nidhi has very little amount of Rajogun, which is why the holder spends it as per his religion.
Neel Nidhi is also considered to be a Satvik Nidhi and the person who gets it is full of Satvik brilliance but there is also a quantity of Raj Guna in it. However, there is a predominance of Satguna among Sat and Raja gunas, which is why the person who attains this wealth is called Satoguni. This wealth remains with a man for three generations. Subsequent generations do not get its fruits. Generally, such funds are obtained through business, which is why it is also called Rajoguni wealth.
But since the seeker uses this wealth in the public interest, it has also been called sweet-natured wealth. Due to the predominance of Rajoguna, this Nidhi cannot extend beyond 3 generations. The seeker who achieves this does not have the same feeling of charity as the holders of Padma and Mahapadma. But still, the holder of Neel Nidhi donates something to religion.
This Nidhi is endowed with Rajogun and the person who receives it is also endowed with Rajogun. Such a person is always engaged only in accumulating wealth. This is the reason why it has been called a royal nature fund. The seeker who receives this Nidhi mostly indulges in pleasures and luxuries. Although he is not completely royal and has a combination of Satguna also, in both qualities, Rajguna has the utmost predominance.
This fund lasts only for one generation, that is, after that person, only his children can use that fund. After that, this fund is of no use for the coming generations. The holder receiving this fund does not have the feeling of charity. However, after repeatedly reminding him of his religion, the seeker also donates.
The holder of this Nidhi is a mixture of royal and tamasic qualities. He alone is the basis of his clan. This Nidhi provides long life and continuous progress to the seeker. Such a person is extremely happy with his praise and also helps the person praising him financially.
Mostly such a seeker is the foundation of his family and is the only person in his family who accumulates wealth. The seeker of this Nidhi has immense wealth but due to his Tamasic qualities, it also gets destroyed quickly. But the seeker leaves behind a lot of wealth for his sons and grandchildren.
The holder of this fund has more qualities of a warrior and is a collector of weapons and armor. This fund has more Tamasic qualities. The person who has this wealth is brave and is always ready for war. He is the one who goes against the king and the government of the state. Even if such a person does not get his ancestral property, he earns a lot of money for himself through his bravery.
The seeker who attains this Nidhi is of Tamasic nature. By nature, he is very miser. He neither uses his property himself nor allows anyone else to use it. Such a seeker has immense wealth but he keeps all his wealth hidden. It is said symbolically that such a person coils around his wealth like a snake and protects it. The sons and grandchildren of the seeker receive his property only after his death.
Like the Mukund Nidhi, the Conch Nidhi lasts for one generation. The seeker who has received this wealth worries only about himself and enjoys all the wealth himself. He has a lot of money, but due to his miserliness, his family lives in poverty. Such a seeker is very selfish and uses all his wealth himself.
It is also called a mixed fund. It is believed that among the nine Nidhis, except this Kharva Nidhi, the other 8 Nidhis are attained after mastering the knowledge called “Padmini”. Kharva Nidhi is special because it is considered to be a mixture of all the other 8 Nidhis. This is the reason why its holder also has mixed qualities in his nature.
His actions and nature cannot be predicted. If the time is right then the seeker can donate all his money and property and if the time is not favourable, then even his family members do not get his property. This Nidhi contains a mixture of all three gunas – Sat, Raja, and Tama.
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