Scientific importance of giving water to the Sun

In Hindu religion, there is a tradition of offering water to the Sun God every day at sunrise, but what is the importance of offering water to the Sun? Nowadays, most of us want to know the origin or reason for all the traditions so that we can understand the rationale behind them. You will be surprised to know the scientific reason for offering Arghya to the Sun. Centuries ago, our sages had studied deeply and laid down all the traditions so that human civilization could get its best benefits, one of which was to offer water to the Sun God.

Scientific reason for giving water to the Sun
To understand this, first of all, we have to understand the process of doing it, only then we will be able to understand its scientific importance.
Process of giving water to the Sun
- For this, we have to wake up early in the morning and take a bath.
- After that, take pure water in a copper vessel and face towards the east.
- Now, by raising both your hands above the head, bending them slightly forward, you have to drop the water in a straight stream towards the Sun God.
- While giving water to the Sun God, we have to continuously look into the falling stream of water.
- After offering all the water from the vessel, we have to touch that water and apply it on our forehead and eyes and then do three rounds of it.
- Scientific benefit of offering water to the Sun

1. For the eyes
The person who gets the most benefit from offering water to the Sun God is our eyes. Yes, you heard it right. Now let us know how. You might have read in school or even seen it in practice that when sun rays are passed through a prism, they get divided into seven colors.
In the same way, when we point a stream of water toward the sun, its rays get divided into seven colors and fall on our eyes. In this process, we have to continuously watch that stream of water. By doing this, the imbalance of colors in our eyes gets corrected and they become brighter and healthier than before.
Therefore, if you are wearing glasses or have weak eyes, then start offering water to the Sun regularly at sunrise from today itself. This is going to be surprisingly very beneficial for your eyes.
2. Vitamin D supply
We all know that the Sun is the main source of Vitamin D, but why is it possible to get the benefit only by doing this process ? This is because the process of offering water to the Sun is done within 1 to 2 hours of sunrise or sunset.
The Vitamin D we get from the Sun is most beneficial at this time because after this the Sun’s rays become stronger which is also harmful. That’s why people go for a walk or a morning walk in the morning. Along with offering water to the sun, you can also do one thing by taking Vitamin D.
3. Heart disease is rare
Sunlight in the morning is beneficial for us in many ways, one of which is keeping the heart healthy. When you are offering water to the Sun God, your chest is towards the Sun God. In such a situation, sunlight falls directly on it.
Through this process, many serious heart diseases can be cured by direct sunlight entering the heart. This will not only keep your heart healthy but you will also live longer.
4. Relief from skin diseases
You must have noticed that in the process of offering water to the Sun, we first told you that it should not be done without taking a bath. This is because, after bathing, innumerable pores of your body open, and dirt and grime are removed from them.
When you are giving water to the Sun God, the morning sunlight and its rays are also absorbed through the innumerable pores of the skin. It is very beneficial for your skin and helps in getting relief from many types of skin diseases.
5. Experience mental peace
This is such a benefit of giving water to the Suryadev that in today’s time, it has become a basic need of almost everyone. By the act of offering water to the Sun God every day, your mind will remain more calm and focused than before. This will help you not to get distracted here and there and concentrate on your work.
After the practice of offering water to Suryadev for a few days, you will be able to experience mental peace within yourself. Just start it and see. If for some reason you are unable to wake up early in the morning and offer water to the Sun God, then water can be offered to him at sunset too. You will benefit from this action but not as much as at the time of sunrise.