Nakshatras – types and symbolism

We often hear that ‘Graha and Nakshatras are not running well’ or ‘the whole game is of planets and constellations’… That is, planets and constellations matter a lot to those who believe in luck. Vedic astrology is completely based on planetary constellations only.
After all, what are these planetary constellations, and how is our luck connected with them? We have already discussed the effects of nine planets on our luck. Today let’s try to know about the constellations.

What is Nakshatra?
The principle of Nakshatras is very important in Vedic astrology. It is considered to be the most accurate and infallible among all the astrological methods prevalent all over the world.
A group of stars in the sky is called a Nakshatra. Generally, they are associated with the path of the moon. As this is 27 daughters of Daksha married to Moon. Just as the Sun travels from Aries to Pisces, similarly the Moon travels through 27 Nakshatras from Ashwini to Revati and that period is called Kaal Nakshatra month. It is of about 27 days, that is why a Nakshatra of 27 days is called a Month.
Nakshatra Names
- Ashwin, 2.Bharani, 3.Kritika, 4.Rohini, 5.Mrigashira, 6.Ardra 7.Punarvasu, 8. Pushya, 9. Ashlesha, 10.Magha, 11.Purva Phalguni, 12.Uttara Phalguni, 13 .Hasta, 14.Chitra, 15.Swati, 16.Vishakha, 17.Anuradha, 18.Jyeshtha, 19.Moola, 20.Purvashadha, 21.Uttarashadha, 22.Shravan, 23.Dhanishtha, 24.Shatabhisha, 25.Purva Bhadrapada, 26. Uttara Bhadrapada and 27. Revati.
Categories of Nakshatra
The constellations are divided into four categories. These four categories are- 1. Andha Nakshatra 2. Mandallochan Nakshatra 3. Madhyalochan Nakshatra and 4. Sulochan Nakshatra.
- Andha Nakshatra:- Pushya, Uttaraphalguni, Vishakha, Purvashada, Dhanishtha, Revati, and Rohini
- Mandallochan Nakshatra:- Ashlesha, Hasta, Anuradha, Uttarashada, Shatabhisha, Ashwini, and Mrigashira.
- Madhyalochan Nakshatra:- Magha, Chitra, Jyestha, Purvabhadrapada, Bharani, and Ardra.
- Sulochan Nakshatra:- Purva Falguni, Swati, Mool, Shravan, Uttarabhadrapada, Krittika, and Punarvasu.
These 27 Nakshatras are also divided into three parts – Auspicious Nakshatra, Medium Nakshatra, and Inauspicious Nakshatra.
Auspicious constellation
Auspicious constellations are those in which all the work done is proven and successful. In these 15 Nakshatras are considered – Rohini, Ashwin, Mrigashira, Pushya, Hasta, Chitra, Revati, Shravan, Swati, Anuradha, Uttarabhadrapada, Uttarashadha, Uttara Phalguni, Ghanishtha, Punarvasu.

Middle constellation
Those constellations come under the medium constellation, in which it is generally not appropriate to do any special or big work, but there is no harm in terms of normal work. The constellations that come in these are Purva Phalguni, Purvashadha, Purvabhadrapada, Visakha, Jyestha, Ardra, Mula and Shatabhisha.

Ominous constellation
Never do any auspicious work in an inauspicious constellation. It always has bad results or hinders functioning. The constellations that come under this are- Bharani, Kritika, Magha and Ashlesha. These Nakshatras are generally considered suitable for large and destructive work such as demolishing a building, removing possession, setting fire, blasting to cut a mountain or conducting any military or nuclear test etc. But for a common man or Jatak, all these four constellations are considered very dangerous and harmful.

House lords of constellations
Ketu:- Ashwin, Magha, Original.
Venus :- Bharani, Purva Falguni, Purvashadha.
Sun :- Kartik, Uttara Falguni, Uttarashada.
Moon:- Rohini, Hasta, Shravan.
Mars:- Mrigashira, Chitra, Dhanishtha.
Rahu:- Ardra, Swati, Shatabhisha.
Jupiter :- Punarvasu, Visakha, Purva Bhadrapada.
Shani:- Pushya, Anuradha, Uttara Bhadrapada.
Mercury:- Ashlesha, Jyestha, Revati.
What is Panchak?
You must have often heard about Panchak and Gandmool Nakshatras. The elders of our house often say that Panchak has been applied, or that no work should be done in Panchak, or that this child has Gandmool defect, or Gandmool has to be worshipped, etc
When the moon is in Aquarius and Pisces then that time is called Panchak. It is not considered auspicious. During this period, the five Nakshatras (Ghanishtha, Shatabhisha, Poorva Bhadrapada, Uttara Bhadrapada, and Revati) from Ghanishtha to Revati are called Panchak. During this time there is a danger of fire, during this time one should not travel in the south direction, the roof of the house should not be made, bed or any furniture should not be made. Funeral rites are also prohibited in Panchak.
What is Gandmool?
Similarly, Gandmool or Mool Nakshatra is also considered extremely inauspicious. Actually, the constellations have different natures, and Ashwin, Ashlesha, Magha, Mula, and Revati Nakshatras coming under Mool Nakshatra are considered to be of fierce category. They are also called Mool, Gandat, or Satisa. Those who are born in it, have their life is full of upheavals and tensions, that’s why it is worshiped after 27 days of the birth of children, and its bad effects are eliminated.
In Vedic astrology, whenever we talk about Nakshatras, we need to know these aspects. Also, these constellations are the mirror of your personality and nature. Whether you believe it or not, but the constellation in which you were born has an impact somewhere on your behavior, and lifestyle.