Do’s and Dont’s of Sawan month

Some things are specially taken care of in the worship of Lord Shiva during Sawan Somvar Vrat. This year Sawan is starting from 4th July and will continue till 31st August. This time this holy month will be a total of 58 days. Such a long monsoon is falling after 19 years. Significantly, an extra month, which Hindus know as Adhik Maas or Mal Maas, is affecting Sawan this year due to astrological calculations.

Shiva devotees participate in the Kanwar Yatra

A special procession is taken out in Sawan in which the devotees dressed in traditional attire carry Shivling on their shoulders reach and perform Jalabhishek of Lord Shiva with the holy water of the Ganges. This journey is known as Kanwar Yatra. This pilgrimage also includes walking to holy rivers like the Ganges and collecting water to offer to Lord Shiva.

Important rules of Kanwar Yatra

  • Devotees going on Kanwar Yatra should take care of cleanliness. Kanwar should not be touched without taking a bath.
  • Nothing made of leather should be used or touched during the Kanwar Yatra.
  • Also, in this journey dedicated to Lord Shiva, one should never commit the mistake of keeping Kanwar on the ground. If you are stopping for routine or rest etc. then keep Kanwar at a higher place.
  • During the journey it is seen that some people keep Kanwar on their heads, but according to the scriptures, it is prohibited to do so.
  • Keeping Kanwar under any tree or plant is also prohibited. ,
    Along with external cleanliness, purity of mind is also very important in Kanwar Yatra. ,
    Keep your mind clear while traveling and avoid getting into anger or disputes. You should not use inappropriate words.
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  • Spend maximum time worshiping Shiva during the Kanwar Yatra. During this, chant Bol Bam and Jai Shiv-Shankar as much as possible. You can also chant Shiva mantras.
  • Kavadis have also been advised to stay away from any kind of intoxication. During this, the consumption of fish and eggs is strictly prohibited. Not only the pilgrims, but all Shiva devotees also abstain from Tamasic food during the month of Sawan.
  • For the devotees participating in the Kanwar Yatra, maintaining their faith in Lord Shiva is more important than following the rules.

Offer these things on Shivling

Water, Cow Milk, Sugar, Saffron, Perfume, Curd, Desi ghee, Sandalwood, Honey, Cannabis, Rice, Black sesame seeds, Aakda, Bel patra, Shami leaves, Datura, White flowers, Ashes, Abir, Panch meva, Five fruits, Panch Mithai, Gangajal, Camphor, Malayagiri, Rudraksha, Durva etc.

Do not offer these things on Shivling

  • According to religious belief, Kevda and Ketaki flowers are not offered to Lord Shiva. It is believed that Bholenath gets angry by offering a this flowers.
  • Tulsi should never be offered in the worship of Lord Shiva. Tulsi is not dear to Lord Shiva.
  • Coconut water should not be offered to Lord Shiva.
  • Water is always offered to Lord Shiva from a bronze or brass vessel.
  • Don’t offer a conch shell on Shivling.
  • Turmeric, vermilion, and mehandi are also not used in the worship of Lord Shankar.

Rituals of Puja

  • Get up early in the morning and wear clean clothes after taking a bath etc.
  • Light a Diya in the temple of the house.
  • If you are doing Vrat or Upvas eat fruits and Faryali items only.
  • Abhishek of Lord Shiva and all the deities with Ganges water.
  • Offer flowers, fruits and dry fruits.
  • Perform aarti of Lord Shiva and also offer bhog. Keep in mind that only sattvic things are offered to God.
  • Meditate and Chant mantras, chalisa and paths of Lord Shiva

Rules for offering Belpatra on Shivling

Before offering Belpatra to Lord Shiva, it must be seen that it should not be mutilated from anywhere. Only three leaves of Belpatra are offered to Lord Shiva. Always offer belpatra to Lord Shiva by touching the opposite side of the belpatra i.e. smooth surface side. Always offer belpatra with the help of the ring finger, thumb, and middle finger. Hold the middle leaf and offer it to Lord Shiva.

How many belpatra should be offered?

By the way, Lord Shiva gets pleased soon just by offering a glass of water and a belpatra. But in the month of Sawan, Belpatra is easily available, in this case, you can offer 11, 21, 51, and 101 Belpatra on Shivling.

When to pluck Belpatra ?

It is prohibited to pluck the belpatra on some dates. For example, on Chaturthi, Ashtami, Navami, Chaturdashi, and Amavasya, at the time of Sankranti and on Monday, Bel Patra should not be plucked. In such a situation, a day before the puja, the bel patra is kept by breaking it. Belpatra is never impure. Belpatra that is already offered can also be offered after washing it again. Never offer just bilvapatra to Lord Shiva, definitely offer a stream of water along with bilvapatra.

Importance of Pradosh Vrat

Pradosh Vrat is considered to please Lord Shiva. People keep this day and worship Mother Parvati along with Lord Shiva during the Pradosh period. By observing Guru Pradosh Vrat one gets victory over enemies, wealth, wealth, children, happiness, etc. Sorrows disappear, and diseases and planetary defects also go away.

What food should be consumed in Sawan ?

According to the rules of the scriptures, greens should not be eaten in Sawan. It is believed that Lord Shiva has a great love for nature. In such a situation, it is not considered auspicious to eat greens after plucking them. By doing this Lord Shiva becomes displeased. On the other hand, scientific logic says that in the month of Sawan, the amount of bile-increasing elements in greens increases. Which causes problems in digestion.

On the other hand, there is more rainfall in monsoon and when there is more rain, the number of insects in the greens increases. In such a situation, eating them is not considered good and can cause great harm to health. That’s why greens should not be eaten as far as possible in Sawan. Do not eat non-vegetarian food or garlic and onion even by mistake in the month of Sawan. It is believed that these things generate heat in the body and due to this your mind gets attracted towards enjoyment and lust. Which creates obstacles in the devotion of Lord Shiva. That’s why it is important to stay away from non-vegetarian garlic and onion in the month of Sawan.

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