The unsolved mystery of Brahma Padartha

‘Brahma padartha’ is easily the most discussed subject in Nabakalebara. Yet, its identity is still shrouded in mystery. ‘Brahma padarthas are core materials in the four wooden deities of Sri Jagannath temple. These core materials are transferred from the old idols to the new in a metaphor for the immortality of the soul and its reincarnations.

What is Brahma Padartha actually ?

‘Brahma padartha’ happens to be the basis of the existence of ‘daru’ idols. Therefore, insight into ‘Brahma’ can put some light on the unexplained arena of ‘Brahma padartha’. Indian philosophy terms omnipresence of eternal existence as ‘Brahma’. It is a state of perception of ultimate eternal reality, which is beyond description and mortal sense organs. Some ‘mahavakya’ of Indian philosophy have tried to put some light on the perception of ‘Brahma’. They are ‘sarva khalvidwam Brahma (everything is Brahma)’, ‘tat team asi (you are that)’, ‘Ayam Atma Brahma (I am Brahma), ‘Aham Brahmosmi (myself Brahma)’ and ‘pragyanam Brahma (knowledge in Brahma) )’. Adi Sankaracharya had assigned one ‘mahavakya’ for each of the four ‘dhams’ established by him including Puri. For Puri the ‘mahavakya’ was ‘pragyanam Brahma’.

Brahma is also considered to be an eternal existence without any beginning or end. One, who experiences Brahma becomes that or remains in ‘Brahmisthiti’ or the state of Brahma. So, scriptures have said ‘Brahmavit Brhamaiva bhavati’. It is another description of the ultimate state of consciousness termed ‘nirvikalpa samadhi’ or ‘nirvana’.

So, ‘Brahma padartha’ cannot be accepted as the identity of Brahma. Everything in this existence, including ourselves as well as ‘Brahma padartha’, is a manifestation of same ‘Brahma’. Anything that has manifested has a beginning and end. ‘Brahma’ is the ultimate eternal source of the whole existence.

Basis of its existence

The basis of the existence of ‘Brahma padartha’ as well as we mortals is surely the same, Let ‘Daitapati’ servitors continue to keep the identity of ‘Brahma padartha’ a closely guarded secret. Let them continue with the claim that the perception of ‘Brahma padartha’ is the excusive birth right of their clan. Commoners should not be disheartened by it.


As per Indian spiritual tenets, every being has the potential to realize ‘Brahma’ or to attain an omnipresent eternal state of ‘Brahma’. ‘Brahma padartha’ is the basis of divinity or life force of the ‘daru’ idols of Sri Jagannath temple. Any human can also unravel the mystery of ‘Brahma padartha’ by trying to unravel and explore the basis of own existence because omnipresence is the identity of ‘Brahma’.

Badagrahis and Nabakalebara

The four ‘badagrahis’ entitled to perform the transfer of ‘Brahma padartha’ get the chance to feel and touch these secret core materials kept within the four idols. Bound by a vow, they never disclose the identity of ‘Brahma padartha’ to anyone. Also they cannot see it while transfering as there eyes are covered and hands also with gloves. To date, generations of these ‘daitapati’ servitors have steadfastly kept the identity of ‘Brahma padartha’ a closely guarded secret.

It is the heart of Srikrishna

In fact, according to legend, when Shri Krishna died, the Pandavas cremated his body but Krishna’s heart (body) kept burning. According to the order of God, the Pandavas made the body flow in the water. That body took the form of a log. King Indradyumna, who was a devotee of Lord Jagannath, found this stick and installed it inside the idol of Jagannath. From that day till today that stick is inside the idol of Lord Jagannath. The idol of Jagannath changes after an interval of every 12 years, but this stick remains in the same.

It is Krishna’s unburnt body

Any mystery inevitably gives rise to speculations, myths as well as absurdities. There are several theories regarding the identity of ‘Brahma padartha’, several of them based on myths. Many believe ‘Brahma padartha’ to be the mortal remains of Lord Sri Krishna.

This belief is rooted in an episode in Odia Mahabharat written by Adikabi Sarala Das. Some Western researchers have also quoted this theory. According to this belief, the body of Sri Krishna did not burn up completely despite repeated efforts. Legend has it that the unburnt mortal remains of Sri Krishna were flown in the sea and reached the Puri coast to be used as ‘Brahma padartha’ of ‘daru’ idols.

May be tooth of Buddha

Some others claim ‘Brahma padartha’ may be a tooth of Gautama Buddha. As per Buddhist history, a tooth of Buddha was collected from his funeral pyre by a Kshyema. This tooth had reached Kalinga where it was worshipped in a city named Dantapura. Historians say this tooth is now being worshipped at the ‘Dantamandir’ in Kandy in Sri Lanka. Kalinga had faced several invasions because of this tooth. Its king Guhashiva had been killed in battle. His daughter Hemamala and son-in-law Dantakumar had managed to escape to Sri Lanka along with the tooth of Buddha. So, this tooth cannot be the ‘Brahma padartha’.

Some claim ‘Brahma padartha’ is a ‘Shaligram’

To escape the devastation caused by sea waves and attacks of Raktabahu, the idols of Sri Jagannath temple had been whisked away to the Sonepur area in western Odisha. Idols were buried deep down in the ground. Later King Jajatikeshari recovered remnants of these idols and new idols had been constructed to replace them. On the instructions of Sankaracharya, a monk named Bharati Acharya visited Nepal to procure two shaligrams. These are thought to be ‘Brahma padartha’. But analysts of rituals of Sri Jagannath temple think that worship of shaligram does not need ‘prana pratistha’ or invocation of life. But ‘prana pratistha’ is an integral ritual for deities of Sri Jagananth temple.

Another myth regarding ‘Brahma padartha’ is related to Sati and Lord Shiva

Shiva was doing the tandav carrying the corpse of Sati on his shoulders. Lord Vishnu cut down Sati’s body into many parts with his Sudarshan chakra. Its naval portion fell at Jajpur and was carried by the river to the sea. It was collected from the Puri coast and was divided into four parts to become the ‘Brahma padartha’ of four idols.

Shri Gopal Yantra drawn on gold leaf or something else

Several other objects have been assumed to be ‘Brahma padartha’. They include mercury kept in small caskets, the miniature idol of a couple in a sleeping position, tulsi leaves crafted from gold or ‘ashtadhatu’ alloy.

Another assumption based on circumstantial evidence claims the ‘Brahma padartha’ inside the idol of Sri Jagannath is a shaligram and a Shri Gopal Yantra drawn on gold leaf. The idol of Sri Balabhadra does contain gold Shivalinga along with ‘Shaiva Yantra’ as ‘Brahma padartha’. The core material in Devi Subhadra is a ‘Bhuvaneswari Yantra’ drawn on gold plate and the ‘Brahma padartha’ of Sri Sudarshan is a shaligram and ‘Sri Nrusimha Yantra’ made up of gold.

Let it remain a secret

The servitors take pride in having perceived ‘Brahma padartha’ and experience it through their five bodily sense organs. The mind is considered to be a more subtle sense organ and every human can use own mind for the purpose.

Adi Sankaracharya had provided a technique to unravel ‘Brahma’. It is ‘neti-neti’ or continuous denials till one reaches the ultimate state of realization. We can use this technique to reach the ‘Brahma padartha’ of our mortal existence by unraveling various strata of our basis of existence. One can say breath is the basis of our existence while some may put it as the brain. But we should not stick to any perception and continue our search till we reach the ultimate basis of our existence. Our core of existence cannot be different from the basis of the existence of Sri Jagannath. The mystery of ‘Brahma padartha’ continues as a catalyst to kindle this urge for ultimate exploration in us.

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