All about the divine Shankh and types

The Conch shell or Shankh is also known by the names Samudraj, Kambu, Sunad, Pavandhvani, Kambu, Kamboj, Abj, Trirekha, Jalaj, Arnobhav, Mahanad, Mukhar, Dirghnad, Bahunad, Haripriya, Surchar, Jalodbhav, Vishnupriya, Dhaval, Strivibhushan, Panchjanya, Arnavbhava, etc. A Conch shell gives the illusion with healthy body. These shells are divine as well as elusive. Conch shells have a sacred place in Hinduism.

There is a clear mention in the scriptures about how many and which conch shells should be kept in the house or temple. Is it that there is a conch related to the war in your house while you need peace and prosperity? Like Shivling and Shaligram, there are many types of conch shells, and the importance and function of all types of conch shells are different.

Origin of Conch Shell

At the time of Samudra Manthan, 14 precious gems were obtained from the sea during the Dev-Demon struggle. In which conch was born as the eighth gem. Conch is the symbol of sound. Conch sound is considered auspicious. The quality of each conch is considered different. Some conch gives victory, while some give wealth and prosperity. Some conch shells have the power to give happiness and peace, while others have the power to give fame and fortune.

According to the Brahmavaivarta Purana, the conch is as divine as the moon and the sun. Varuna is in the middle of this, Brahma in the back part, and Ganga and Saraswati in the front part. The Conch shell is made on the first knuckle of the fingers of your hands and also under the fingers. Many things are known by the name of conch like conch shell prakshalan and conch mudra in yoga, and conch pushpi and conch bhasma are used in Ayurveda. In ancient times, there used to be a script called Shankha.

N aturally there are many types of conch shells. There are 3 main types of these – Vamavarti, Dakshinavarti and Ganesh conch or intermediate conch

. Out of these three types of conch shells, many are miraculous, while many are rare and many are accessible. Different types of conch shells have different names.

According to the Atharvaveda, demons are destroyed by the conch shell – shankhen hatva rakshansi. Conch is also mentioned in Bhagwat Purana. According to Yajurveda, a person who blows the conch shell is expected to shake the hearts of the enemies in the war. It was used by the warriors only because of the amazing valor and strength of the conch shell.

Kshinavarti Shankh

This conch shell is called Dakshinavarti because where all the conch shells open on the left side, this one opens on the opposite right side. This conch has been considered as God’s form. Worshiping Dakshinavarti conch shell brings prosperity and along with attainment of Lakshmi, wealth also increases. The presence of this conch destroys many diseases. If water is kept in Dakshinavarti conch at night and drink that water after waking up in the morning on an empty stomach, then stomach diseases end quickly. It is also beneficial in eye diseases.

Types of Dakshinavarti conch: There are 2 types of Dakshinavarti conch, male and female. The one whose layer is thick and heavy is male and the one whose layer is thin and light is female.

All about the divine Shankh and types

Left conch shell

The stomach of left conch shell is open on the left side. There is a hole for playing it. Its sound weakens the disease causing germs. This conch is easily found, as it is produced in abundance. This conch is capable of taking out the negative energy from the house. Keeping it in the house keeps the surrounding environment pure.

All about the divine Shankh and types

Ganesha conch

During the churning of the ocean, the Ganesha conch was first born as the 8th gem. It is called Ganesh Shankh because its shape is exactly like that of Ganesha. The color of the trunk contained in the conch is of amazing natural beauty. A unique glimpse of the mystery of nature comes from the darshan of Ganesha’s conch shell. This conch is the destroyer of poverty and the factor of getting money.

Shree Ganesh Shankh is worshiped for progress in all areas of life and for peace of obstacles. All wishes are fulfilled by worshiping it. Ganesh Shankh is rare because it is not easily available. Shri Ganesh Shankh is the best way to get rid of financial, business, debt and family problems.

All about the divine Shankh and types

Krishna’s Panchjanya Conch

In the Mahabharata, almost all the warriors had conch shells. Some of those warriors had wondrous conch shells, like Lord Krishna had the Panchajanya conch whose sound could reach several kilometers. Lord Krishna had the Panchajanya conch. This conch is still present somewhere. It has been said about this conch being in Karnal, Haryana. It is believed that it was kept in the hermitage of sage Parashar near Kachwa and Bahalolpur villages, 15 km west of Karnal, from where it was stolen. There were many priceless things related to Hindu religion here.

It is believed that after the Mahabharata war, Lord Krishna had placed his Panchjanya conch in the shrine of Sage Parashar. Although some people believe that this conch shell of Shri Krishna is kept safe in Adi Badri.

In the Mahabharata war, Shri Krishna not only used to infuse enthusiasm in the Pandava army with his five-born conch shell, but it instilled fear in the Kaurava army. Its sound was more terrible than the roar of a lion. This conch is considered a symbol of victory and fame. It has the shape of 5 fingers. Although Panchajanya conch shells are still found but not all of them are miraculous. They are installed to keep the house free from Vastu defects. It also reduces the malefic effects of Rahu and Ketu.

All about the divine Shankh and types

Devadatta conch

This conch was with Arjuna in Mahabharata. Varundev had given it to him as a gift. Its use is considered unlucky. It is believed that the use of this conch gives victory in the field of justice. People associated with judicial field can get benefits by worshiping it. This conch is also considered a symbol of power.

Mahalakshmi conch

This conch is also called a naturally made Shreeyantra, hence its name Mahalakshmi conch. It is believed to be the symbol of Mahalakshmi. Its voice is melodious. It is believed that in any house where this conch is worshipped, Goddess Lakshmi herself resides there.

Paundra conch

Paundrik or Paundra conch was with Bhishma in Mahabharata. The person who lacks self-confidence should keep this pound conch shell. Keeping it in the house increases the morale. Mostly its use has been considered best for the students. It should be kept on the east side in the study room of the students.

Kamdhenu Shankh

These conch shells are also mainly of two types. One Gomukhi conch and the other Kamdhenu conch. This conch is known as Gomukhi Kamdhenu conch due to its shape like the face of Kamdhenu cow. It is said that by worshiping Kamdhenu conch, the power of reasoning becomes strong and all kinds of wishes are also fulfilled. This conch has also been called the fulfiller of imagination. In Kaliyuga, it is the only means of fulfilling the wishes of man. This conch is very rare by the way.

Kamdhenu Shankh is capable of fulfilling all kinds of wishes. Maharishi Pulastya used this conch to attain Lakshmi. Wealth and prosperity can be increased permanently by its use in mythological scriptures.

 Kauri conch

Kauri conch is a very rare conch. It is believed that whoever has this in his house, his luck opens up and prosperity increases. Since ancient times, this conch has been used to make jewelry, currency and dice. Kauri is also called Kauri at many places. Keeping yellow shells in the house increases wealth.

Diamond conch

It is also called hill conch. Also used by Tantric people especially for the worship of Goddess Lakshmi. It opens like a Dakshinavarti conch shell. It is found in the mountains. Its shell is covered with a substance that looks like a sparkling crystal, hence it is also called a diamond conch shell. It is considered very valuable.

Pearl conch shell

If you want happiness and peace in the house, then install pearl conch shell. There will be happiness and peace only then prosperity will increase. Pearl conch has also been considered as heart disease killer. Place the pearl conch shell on a white cloth and install it in the worship room and worship it daily.

If the pearl conch shell is installed in the factory, then there is rapid economic progress in the factory. If there is a loss in the business, if there is no income from the shop, then if a pearl conch shell is kept in the neck of the shop, then it increases the business.

Anantvijay conch

Yudhishthira’s conch was named Anantvijay. Anant Vijay means endless victory. Having this conch gives victory in every work. It is rare to find a conch named Anantvijay for the one who is victorious in every field.

Mani Pushpak and Sughosh Mani Shankh

Nakula had Sughosh and Sahdev had Mani Pushpak Shankh. By worshiping the Mani Pushpak conch, one gets fame and respect. Its worship is also good for attaining a high position.

Veena conch shell

Saraswati, the goddess of learning, also wears a conch shell. This conch shell is of Veena-like shape, that is why it is called Veena Shankh. It is believed that even a retarded person becomes wise by drinking its water. If there is any defect in the speech or if you are unable to speak, then along with drinking the water of this conch shell, also blow it.

Airavat Shankh

The name of Indra’s elephant is Airavat. This conch looks similar to him, hence its name Airavat. This conch is basically considered for attaining Siddha and Sadhana.

It is believed that this conch is also used to enhance the color and appearance. Keep this conch filled with water for 24 to 28 hours and then if you take it, your face will become radiant. This should be done daily for a few days.

Annapurna Shankh

Annapurna means the one who supplies food. Blessings always remain by keeping this conch shell. It increases wealth and prosperity. Those who lead a household life should visit it daily.

All about the divine Shankh and types

Vishnu conch

This conch is used for continuous progress and for relaxation in incurable diseases. By keeping it in the house, the house becomes disease free. Many types of incurable diseases can also be cured by consuming the water of this conch every day.

All about the divine Shankh and types

Garuda conch

Due to the similarity of the face of Garuda, it is called Garuda conch. This conch is also very rare. This conch is also going to give happiness and prosperity. It is believed that having this conch in the house does not cause any kind of calamity.

Other types of conch: Dev conch, Chakra conch, Rakshas conch, Shani conch, Rahu conch, Panchmukhi conch, Valampuri conch, Buddha conch, Ketu conch, Sheshnag conch, Kachchhap conch, Sher conch, Kubar Gada conch, Sudarshan conch etc.

Lord Shankar used to blow the Rudra conch while he blew the Tripura conch at the time of killing Tripurasura. Nadbrahma: The conch has been given the noun of Nadbrahma and divine mantra. The sound of the conch is considered equivalent to the sound of ‘Om’. Shankhnaad destroys negative energy around you and transmits positive energy. As far as the sound emanating from the conch goes, the germs of diseases are destroyed.

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