When was Lord Jesus Born ?

The Gospels of Matthew and Luke provide details of Lord Jesus’ birth date, including such facts as the location of Bethlehem, the names of Mary and Joseph, the flight to Egypt to escape King Herod, and the angels appearing to the shepherds yet they provide little information about this but don’t give a specific date for this important event. It is still a mystery or myth till date.

Mystery Jesus Birth?

As a result, the question of when exactly Jesus was born has given rise to many theories and hypotheses over the centuries. In this article, we will delve into the fascinating world of the date of Jesus’ birth and explore the various historical, astronomical, and theological perspectives that have emerged in an attempt to pinpoint the elusive date of birth. The Biblical account does not say what year Jesus was born (Luke 2). So how was the date of Christmas determined and when was Jesus actually born?


Is 25th December the true birthdate of Jesus?

Christmas is celebrated all over the world on 25 December. It is said Jesus Christ was born on this day. Therefore, people celebrate Christmas on the birthday of Jesus Christ. On this occasion, people congratulate each other by giving gifts and sweets. Also, prayers are offered in homes and churches. People of all religions celebrate this festival with enthusiasm. Christmas is celebrated with great enthusiasm in India also. Its preparation starts a week in advance. Churches and houses are decorated with Christmas trees and lights. Let us know the story of the birth of Jesus Christ, the son of God the Supreme Father, and the important facts related to him.

According to evidence

Few evidence says Lord Jesus was born in 4-6 BC. He was born in the city of Bethlehem in Palestine. Both his mother and father came from Nazareth and settled in Bethlehem. Here, Lord Jesus was born. His mother’s name was Mary and his father’s name was Joseph. Joseph was a carpenter by profession. It is said that Joseph married Mary after receiving a sign from God the Father. His father died two years before the birth of Lord Jesus. He was brought up by his mother Mary.

Not much info available

However, not much information is available about the life of Lord Jesus from 13 years to 30 years. After this, at the age of 30, Lord Jesus received initiation from John. After this, he started establishing religion. Although the religious pundits who spread superstition strongly opposed him, he was not deterred in the least. After this, the religious scholars complained to King Pontians. Roman Governor Pilate felt that if he did not stop the Lord Jesus, the Jews might revolutionize. For this Lord Jesus was given the death penalty.

Connection with Easter Sunday

The day Jesus was crucified was Friday. When Jesus died after being crucified, He was buried in the grave, but 3 days later on Sunday, Jesus came alive again in the grave, which is known as Easter Sunday. The Jews saw this miracle with their own eyes and the disciples of Lord Jesus spread the teachings of Lord Jesus to the people. At that time a new religion was established, which was called Christianity. Lord Jesus went to heaven after 40 days of being resurrected from the grave.

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