16 types of Siddhis which can be achieved through Sadhana

The literal meaning of Siddhis is – ‘completion’, ‘attainment’, or success. Often, when the work for which spiritual practice is done and the objective of that work is achieved, then it is called Siddhi. Its specific meaning in Sankhyakarika and Tattva Samas is the acquisition of supernatural powers through miraculous means. Whenever one has to do sadhana, one should only ask for ‘GRACE’ i.e. ‘grace’ from Mother or Shri Hari, when one gets the grace of Mother, then there will be no need for any other kind of Siddhi. Siddhi in Yoga is a spiritual power that develops by deepening the practice. There are 64 minor Siddhis and 8 major Siddhis.
These eight major Siddhis are:
- Anima (not being visible to anyone),
- Mahima (to make oneself very big),
- Garima (make it as heavy as you want),
- Laghima (make it as light as you want),
- Prapti (attainment of the desired object),
- Prakaamya (submerging in the earth or flying in the sky),
- Ishitva (having the power to rule over all),
- Vashitva (to control others).

Lord Krishna described 10 goun siddhis
Siddhiyas happen involuntarily whether you want them or not. Siddhis are not required for self-knowledge and the self-knowledgeable person always ignores them because, in an ideal practice, the display of siddhis is discouraged because they are considered a distraction. Even in Patanjali Yoga Sutra, Maharishi Patanjali ji has said:- “Janma Aushadhi Mantra Tapah Samadhija: Siddhya”.Siddhis can be achieved by birth, by medicine, by mantra, by penance and by Samadhi. In Bhagavad Purana, Lord Krishna has described ten goun siddhis :
- Anumirmtvan
- Doorshrvam
- Doordarshan
- Manojavan
- Kamarupa
- Parkayaparveshnam
- Swachandh mrityu
- Devana Sa Krida Anudarshan
- Yathaasankalpsiddhi
- Ajna Aparitatha Gati

16 types of Siddhis
1. Vak Siddhi:
Whatever words are spoken should be fulfilled in practice, those words should never go in vain, every word should have an important meaning, and a person with Vak Siddhi can give curses and blessings.
2. Divya Drishti Siddhi:
The meaning of clairvoyance is that whatever person’s past, future, and present are visible about whom one thinks, on knowing what work has to be done in the future, and what events are going to happen, the person becomes a great man with clairvoyance.
3. Pragya Siddhi:
Prajna means intelligence i.e. memory power, intelligence, knowledge etc. The one who covers all the subjects related to knowledge in his intellect is called wise.
4. Durshravan Siddhi:
This means the ability to re-hear any event or conversation that happened in the past.
5. Jalgamana Siddhi:-
This Siddhi is important, the Yogi who has attained this Siddhi moves on water, river, and sea as if he is walking on the earth.
6. Vayugaman Siddhi:-
Its meaning is that one can transform one’s body into a subtle form and move from one world to another, one can go from one place to another easily and instantly.
7. Adrishyakaran Siddhi:-
Make yourself invisible by transforming your physical body into a subtle form. Due to this others are not able to see it without their wish.
8. Vishoka Siddhi:
It means changing yourself in many ways. There are different forms at one place, and different forms at another place.
9. Devakriyanudarshan Siddhi:-
By having complete knowledge of this process one can get the companionship of various deities. By making them fully compatible, proper support can be obtained.
10. Kayakalp Siddhi:-
Rejuvenation means a change in the body, due to the effect of time the body becomes dilapidated, but a person with the art of rejuvenation always remains stress-free and youthful.
11. Sammohan Siddhi:-
Hypnosis means the process of making everyone agree with you. A person who has mastered this art, not only humans but also animals, birds, and nature adapt to it.
12. Gurutva Siddhi:-
Gurutva means dignified, the person who has dignity, is a storehouse of knowledge, and can give, is called Guru and Lord Shri Hari is Jagadguru.
13. Purna purushatva Siddhi:-
It means being brave, fearless, and strong, this quality has been present in Shri Krishna since childhood. Due to this, he killed the demons in Brajbhoomi, then after killing Kansa, he spent his entire life killing the enemies and re-established religion in Arya Bhoomi.
14. Sarvagun sampan Sidhi :-
All the qualities that exist in the world are included in that person, such as kindness, perseverance, vigor, strength, brilliance, etc. Due to these qualities, he becomes the best in the whole world and in the same way, by doing special work, he does public interest and welfare in the world.
15. Ichamrityu Siddhi :-
A person who is full of these arts is timeless, time has no restrictions on him, and he can leave his body and adopt a new body whenever he wants.
16. Anurmi Siddhi:-
Meaning of Anurmi. On which there is no effect of hunger-thirst, cold-heat, and emotion-ill-will.
Apart from this, Siddhiya is also related to the Chakras. Special achievements can also be achieved by concentrating on the chakras and awakening them.