Brahma Vivaha Considered the best form of marriage, it occurs when a girl's father gives her away to the groom after ensuring that he is of good character and learning. The groom doesn't offer any materialistic compensation to the bride's family.
Prajapatya Vivaha Similar to Brahma Vivaha, this marriage involves the bride's father giving her away to the groom, but with the mutual understanding that the couple would fulfill their Dharma together.
Arsha Vivaha In this form of marriage, the groom gives a cow and a bull to the bride's family before the wedding. This form was prevalent among the sages or Rishis.
Daiva Vivaha This type of marriage involves the bride's father giving her away to a priest as a sacrificial fee. This type was practiced when the parents couldn't afford the expenses of their daughter's marriage.
Asura Vivaha In this form of marriage, the groom pays a dowry to the bride's family to marry her. It's considered a lower form of marriage as it's essentially a bride being bought by the groom.
Gandharva Vivaha This is essentially a love marriage where the couple marries without the consent of their parents. It's based on mutual attraction with no rituals, witnesses, or dowry.
Rakshasa Vivaha This is a forced marriage where the bride is abducted and forced to marry against her will, often after the defeat of her family members in battle. It's considered a brutal form of marriage.
Paishacha Vivaha Considered the lowest form of marriage, it involves the man seducing or deceiving the woman into marriage when she is not in a sound state of mind. This form is condemned by the scriptures.