Best Yoga Asanas and their benefits

Practising yoga asanas or poses helps control an individual’s mind, body, and soul.

Sukhasana helps to reduce anxiety, stress and mental tiredness. It also corrects the body posture.


Tadasana Helpful in strengthening the leg muscles and removing leg pain. It also helps in increasing the height of the children.


Adho Mukha Svanasana calms the brain and Reduces stiffness in the shoulder region and tones the legs.

Adho Mukha Svanasana

Dhanur Asana makes the spine flexible and reduces its stiffness, Reduces obesity. It can cure stomach pains.

Dhanur Asana

Trikon Asana Improves flexibility of the spine and relieves back pain and stiffness in the neck area.

Trikon Asana

Vakrasana Helps in reducing belly fat and Improves digestion by regulating digestive juices.


Bhujangasana Increase blood circulation. It Gives power and flexibility to the body.
