Pronounced 'Weetz-ee-loh-posht-lee', Huitzilopochtli was the father of the Aztecs and their chief deity. – The Aztec God of sun, war, and sacrifice. – The Aztecs believed Huitzilopochtli guided them, telling them where to establish their capital city - Tenochtitlan. – His shrine sat on top of the pyramid of the Templo Mayor.
Pronounced 'Tláh-lock', Tlaloc is the god of rain and is one of the most ancient Aztec gods. – Supreme god of the rain – Tlaloc is also god of agriculture and fertility. – He is associated with weather events like storms, snow, floods, lightning and ice. – Tlaloc can be traced back to Olmec and Mayan civilizations.
Pronounced 'Tez-cah-tlee-poh-ka', Tezcatlipoca is the god of night and rival of Huitzilopochtli. – His name means 'smoking mirror'. He's often depicted as carrying an obsidian mirror. – Aztecs believed Tezcatlipoca and Huitzilopochtli created the world. They believed Tezcatlipoca came to represent death and cold. – He's also the god of magic.
Pronounced 'Keh-tzal-coh-atl', Quetzalcoatl is the god of life, wind and intelligence. – His name means 'Feathered Serpent' and he's one of the most famous Aztec gods. – Quetzalcoatl represented the good his brother, Tezcatlipoca, did not. – Aztecs believed he created the Aztec calendar and books.
The goddess of agriculture, nourishment and corn, Chicomecoatl was the most important Aztec god to farmers. – Her name means 'seven snakes' - representing agricultural success and the gathering of maize. – She's often depicted as a young girl carrying flowers.
Pronounced 'Show-chee-ket-zal', Xochiquetzal is the goddess of fertility and art. – She's also associated with the Moon. – Xochiquetzal is usually depicted as a woman wearing elaborate clothing. – She's believed to protect and look after mothers and craftspeople.
Meaning 'she of the jade skirt', Chalchiuhtilicue is the goddess of water, rivers and lakes. – She's believed to protect navigators and newborn babies. – Chalchiuhtilicue is also believed to have fallen to the earth, drowning it with her tears. – She's usually depicted wearing a tasseled headdress and a skirt with a stream of water flowing out of it.
Pronounced 'Meesht-ko-wattle', Mixcoatl is the god of the hunt and the stars. – His name means 'cloud serpent'. – He's often portrayed with hunting equipment, a mask and wearing human skin with white and red striped over it. – Mixcoatl uses a harpoon (Amhimitl) as a weapon. Xolotl
The god of fire, lightning and death. – Xolotl is also god of twins, sickness and misfortune. – He is depicted as a vicious dog. – Aztecs believed that Xolotl guarded the sun and travelled through the underworld every night, being a soul guide for the dead.
The god of the dead and ruler of the underworld. – Mictlantecuhtli is associated with animals such as bats, owls and spiders. – He's depicted as tall, as a bloody skeleton, or wearing a skull mask. – Worshiping Mictlantecuhtli often involved cannibalism.